What step do you dread when painting figures?


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Flesh is somethig that always scare me, yet I have the will to do it, even if I spend hours and hours around it, until it turns out good enough for me.
Other thing that dreads me is goldbraids and that sort of stuff. I stop the work on a figure and leave it, for some long time, until I come with absolute confidance to do it.

For me its finding the amount of time I need to sit down and do the next step, if I don't have the time needed, I wont do the next step, and it drives me crazy!!!!
That and finding references
I hate it when I have painted something as near perfect as I can get it then I have to make the decision to distress or battledamage it. Once the decision is made I'm ok doing the painting..It's the decision I dread.
The eyes. I dread it. As Tony correctly says - they make or break any figure. In fact now, I'm not too bad as I tend to do them first. That way, if it all goes bent, I can easily strip it, without having to undo anything else.

And I've always hated doing hands. A gloved hand I can do, but bare hands.... always struggled. Figure that out...
The eyes for me as well. Its a continuing lesson in breathing exercises. To a smaller extent, Tartans. I have one on the bench that just needs that hurtle taken care of. But it's all still better than work, ;)
ok so I thought as flesh tones are my nightmare that I would do some practice tonight this is what I got


Any advice or comments very welcome


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I'm with Tony, painting eyes. That includes the difficulty I have painting the right eye--I'm right-handed, and so it's easy and feels natural for me, when painting the left eye. For me, to paint the right eye, I have to paint in the opposite direction, and it feels funny. I usually turn the figure upside down to do it.

Suggestions to paint each figure with the right eye shut will not be entertained.

The thing that I absolutely loathe, is that terrible, gut wrenching, agonising struggle to get the paint box open in the first place. Heeeelllllp!
Best wishes, Gary.
Eyes definatly Eyes, I can't get all the colours in and I just end up with dots. By the look of that head in the pic I don't think you have much to worry about.
Groundwork! I absolutely loath having to do landscaping, in real life and in miniature. As a consequence, I have a couple of finished figures awaiting a suitably landscaped base
The same for me. I really don't like to do groundwork ... So I have actually 4 figures that are waiting to be placed on a groundwork.


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