WIP Critique Young Miniatures Fallschirmjager 1944


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Terrific paint job.

My only very minor reservation is with the sculpt....from some angles the helmet looks too small and tight. Perhaps its only a trick of the lens or the bulk of the scarf? I realize it a para helmet but still....

I love the use of varied hues in your flesh. Too often skin is painted only with varying grades of a single flesh tone.

Carl ... Cheers :)

Dimitrios .. Many thanks :)

Markus ... Many thanks ;)

Stu ... :) Many thanks again and it is a corker ain't it! :)

David ... Thank you! :)

Colin ... Thanks ... the helmet is a snug fit :)

Christos ... Many thanks again :)

Sam ... Again Thank you ... :)

Luftwaffe splittermuster 41 .... aka Splinter 2 or splinter b ...

I basically painted up the base fabric of the smock with a mix ...

Khaki, Deck Tan and Burnt Umber mixed 5:4:1 darkened with Ger. Cam. Blk. Brown and lightened with Light Flesh.

The deep shading is left until the brown and green splinter design is finished...


Then using lots of reference shots I painted in the brown splinters from another mix ...

Mahogany Sand and Burnt Umber mixed 2:1 ... this has taken several hours but this is the design essentially down and set so the next few stages should be a bit quicker..


The main difference between the Heer version ( splittermuster 31 ) and this is scale. This is a smaller scale pattern so more splinters basically. Oh and the pattern repeats about every 42 cm I believe ( in real life ;) )

Anyway if it looks odd shout up cos tomorrow I start on the green and then shading. And it can stay wrong after that ;)
"Oh and the pattern repeats about every 42 cm I believe ( in real life ;) )" Are you sure now? Looking blooming nice Mark. I know it's a little down the road yet, but what are your plans for the rain drops. Don't say an umbrella.
Pardon me if I join the "Excellent Face Parade" but....excellent face!!!! It's a warm 88 degrees here in El Paso, TX and that guy just made me feel cold! Seriously, that face set the whole mood for this figure.

Jim Patrick
Mark, looking good, just a warning mate but I've heard camotilitious is quite addictive .:)
Cheers Ken
WOW, ubber good mate.

You have been reading a lot it seams !!!!

Keep up the fab work

Carl ... ROFL :) The rain drops I might do in enamels over a Klear gloss finish, it means I can erase errors upto about 4 hours after I paint em ... or a pen ;)

Jim ... Many thanks! :)

Ken ... LOL! :)

Stu ... Well it's my fave period as you well know and I've painted one or two of these ere camo patterns now ;) And cheers!

Continued Camo!....

Okay so by this stage I have added the green splinters and also started to highlight the brown and green..


Here I have added shading into the deepest folds and creases with AV Smoke, well thinned and also used the original base colour mix well thinned and lightened to add highlights across the camo design ... it's softened the design up a bit but defined the folds nicely .... :)


I will do a bit more work on the greens I think as they have faded a touch too much but once the rain drop patterns are on I think it will look okay ... probably ... worry, worry, worry...

Pedro ... many thanks my friend! :)

Tweaked Camo!....

I have done the little bit of tidying up that the basic camo needed ... next it's them raindrops ... Gulp!

The M1936 Musette bag is Olive Drab as a base colour, Khaki as a mid and Kahki with Light Flesh 1:1 for the highlight .....


Mark,youv'e done some great work here mate on the flesh and uniform painting,i have this bust on order so i will be following your post very closely,i'm looking forward to seeing how you handle the camoflauge painting,(y)
Brian ... Cheers :)

Dash, dash, dash!.....

Just decided to get on and do the bloody things! Using reflective green for the rain drops ... Not that happy with them, but they are disrupting the splinters, which is what they're meant to do!

Also ... why don't any of the products sold as matt varnish work????

Very frustrating :(

Mark, brilliant painting, the overall effect of the rain drops as far as I can tell from the pictures work and look great and only you seeing it in the flesh will know if it can be improved on.
Following (y)

Cheers Ken
Ok, that's it....I am officially awed by your use of acrylics.

Now I'm not sure if I should pick up the brush, practice to improve, or just give it all up, go live in a cave, and plaster ochre mud on the walls.....

Still, appreciate you sharing the WIP.

Great paintwork Mark. Daunting stuff, those rainmarks....

I fully agree about your matt varnish woes. I recently tried mixing a bit of Tamiya flat with Vallejo flat varnish and it does enhance the matt effect a bit. Bit I am too still looking for a reliable and dead matt varnish. If you find one, please make a post or PM!

Looking forward to the finished version.

Christos ... Thank you :) Your too kind ..

Ken ... Thanks :) I keep looking at Winnie and thinking the pinstripes on his suit will be easy after these :)

Carl ... Cheers... decal fix? no but I will now :)

Mitsutaka ... Many thanks :)

Jamie ... Many thanks mate :) I get the " what's the point I'm hanging up me brushes " feeling all the time, just keep at it anyway and see where it goes :)

Adrian ... Many thanks again :) Been using W&N galeria Matt Varnish, but it's just not matt enough ... and I will let u know if I find one :)

Y straps and fag packets....

Painted up the Y straps with one of my leather mixes ... base in Burnt Umber, details with GW Snakebite Leather, glazes of GW Blazing Orange, more details with Lightflesh then lots of blotchy random ish glazes of GW Scorched Brown. Finally a glaze of thinned Klear to add a sheen.

The cigarette packet is almost finished, it's painted as a packet of Camels as I could only find nice reference for a carton of GI issued Camels :)

Larking about with lighting as well .....

Oh the Entrenching tool is just picked out with white so far, washes of black and Burnt umber next... then some nice chipped paint effects over it :)


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