I think this is a very small little piece,djeez,I couldn't see that anymore,my eyes are absolute very bad
but I love what you do
This is tremendous. Definitely have a talent mate. Great thread!
Will be awesome when done I'm sure
Keep going, it will look better once you have more painted and the lace is in context with the rest of the figure.
In 1/35th that is a very tricky thing to try and do. Patience and perseverance really.
I would probably be inclined to cheat and ignore the silver line and just do the blue with white edging.
I have a few old school 54mms to finish up at some stage but will probably not do anything smaller than 75mm going forwards, they are getting to be more struggle and less fun to do.
We are are own worst critics, truth be told. I think it is coming on a treat, keep up the good work.
Now that's starting to come together nicely! It does help to paint more of the figure.
Agree there
Nice one Mr Briggsy on the lacework , the whites coming along well
If I might ask......intrigued about the piping around the shoulders ?
Looking forward to seeing more