Blimey a dog bust ...all mine and the good wifeys prayers are answered ....
Bring it on mate
That should go nicely with your rhino and horse heads Kev.
Blimey a dog bust ...all mine and the good wifeys prayers are answered ....
Bring it on mate
That should go nicely with you rhino an horse heads Kev.
Hey Richie how about this?
Lt. Pat Glover of the WW2 British Airborne forces had a pet Chicken called Myrtle. Nothing unusual about that you might think, but, as this short film illustrates, Myrtle was no ordinary bird. Having completed Glover's training jumps (in a bag on his shoulder) Myrtle gained her prized Jump wings and was christened 'Myrtle the Parachicken' by her fellow Paratroopers.
Come Operation 'Market Garden' Glover and Mrytle went into action but for Myrtle it was to be a jump too many. She ended up dead in the thick of the fighting, "Game to the last " as Glover's batman said at the time.
Read more about Myrtle in Cornelius Ryan's excellent 'A bridge too far' book or watch the excellent film of the same name (which I happily credit for a few seconds of aerial footage and can't recommend enough for a more rounded view of the subject) to see her on the big screen. She's only there for a moment, as the camera tracks past excellent Brit actor Alun Armstrong on his way to the DZ aboard his Dakota.
Here's to you Myrtle!
so feels free to pop in (and he will make you a cuppa).
Many thanks
Richie! ..flag this one up when it is available!