Completed Bernard Law Montgomery from Life Miniatures


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Hello Kevin
Great approach to work! Everything is thorough to see. (y) My Kevin advances. I spy on the continuation ;)
Hi everyone

Bit of a iffyvision update

The fur is all done now , rebasecoated the actual leather coat ready for painting , beret all completed , eyes done ( these seemed small to get to ! )

Next will be the fleshwork you can see the original painting order went out the window ! ......once I'm happy with flesh it's the leather coat , final checks and fit nameplate to the Oakwood base

Click on for larger images

All comments , suggestions welcome

Happy benchtime


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All comments , suggestions welcome

Happy benchtime


View attachment 449983

I think the fur deserves two more lightings. The first with a mixture of 50% orange-brown + 50% ocher yellow.... The second with bone color. You have to take it slow to see how it illuminates the character.... I think it would give more depth to the fur and allow for a difference in tones with the leather of the jacket, which will probably remain darker than the fur. To "read" a piece well, the contrasts in tones are important. I hope I helped you....
I think the fur deserves two more lightings. The first with a mixture of 50% orange-brown + 50% ocher yellow.... The second with bone color. You have to take it slow to see how it illuminates the character.... I think it would give more depth to the fur and allow for a difference in tones with the leather of the jacket, which will probably remain darker than the fur. To "read" a piece well, the contrasts in tones are important. I hope I helped you....

Cheers for suggestion will give it a go , pics not the best I took though

Can you recommend any particular colour numbers

Bit too hot to paint atm !

I went to my work table and instinctively took 5 colors that I will use for the fur.
Prince August 918, 913, 917, 981 and Scale Color SC-25
I went to my work table and instinctively took 5 colors that I will use for the fur.
Prince August 918, 913, 917, 981 and Scale Color SC-25

Need to find Vallejo and Reaper or P3 equivalents.....never used the PA colours can you add a picture perhaps of the ones you mentioned?

Superb work - so lifelike.


Looking better now the flesh is coming along ......been too hot to paint !

Excelent work so far Kev. I agree that the fur can use a little more highlight, but not to much. It's not a sheepskin... o_O.

Thanks Henk , will look at the fur after the flesh is finished

Yowsa......You just had to do those medals first didn't ya. Very well done so far.....Keep up the great work.


You know me so well .....bit of a challenge but fairly happy with them

Stay tuned


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