PlanetFigure Supporter
I started by looking at my anatomy chart for the scale I'm making these in and finding the right thickness and width of plastic stock. You'll need to find one thickness for the actual sole and another for the heel which could be two or more times the thickness of the sole. I then drew out a plan on an index card that was the actual size I needed. The next step was to measure out the length of the boot and then add about a 1/2'' to this. At this stage mark the area that indicates the end of the extra length of plastic and lightly score it with an x-acto do not cut through it. You then take the plastic and starting from where you scored it slowly bend it back until it rests on the top of the remainder of your plastic strip. Again taking the x-acto cut through the rest of your strip that has the folded piece resting on it. With you are left with is a piece that if opened will look like an L. Now take some superglue and glue the open end together. After the glue has had time to dry I traced the outline of the sole that is on my index card and using the tracing like a carbon, transfered it to the far end of my plastic strip opposite of the end I glue prefering the toe pointing to the glued end.