Jason W.
A Fixture
Originally posted by garyjd@Jan 2 2005, 07:52 AM
... along with an Austrian Lorenz rifle.
Originally posted by garyjd@Jan 2 2005, 07:52 AM
... along with an Austrian Lorenz rifle.
I mean the other day I took out that Fisherman bust I'd completed a while ago (but still haven't painted) to look at and I knocked him over and broke his hat. I break things even when I'm not working on them!Originally posted by garyjd@Jan 2 2005, 07:01 PM
Francesca, There are those moments believe me. Maybe one day I'll post a COMPLETE sbs with everyhing good and bad that happens when building weapons and equipment.~Gary
Marc, The sbs is far from complete. I had/have an update for the sbs figure, but unfortunately I'm unable to post images to Pf. I always make sure my pictures fall within the required size, and if not I use the Pf image crucher. I've done both of these things and still cannot post images. I sent an E-mail to Guy, so I'll hopefully hear something today. Hang in there.~GaryOriginally posted by megroot@Mar 17 2006, 12:31 PM
At the end the sbs on sculpting is amazing. I enjoyed it very much. Now that is coming to an end i wonder how i must sculpt hands.
I know you said that it comes when the time is there, but untill now i've
didn't seen it.
So please do the SBS on handsculpting...........
Mikko, thank you. The Swedish musket is actually a conversion of a 120mm "Brown Bess" I built a few years back. In addition to the musket a scratchbuilt head and tricorn hat were also made as a favor for someone, and were to be used on a scratchbuilt figure. The project has never been completed to the best of my knowledge.~GaryOriginally posted by MikkoH@Mar 18 2006, 05:41 AM
I really liked that swedish musket. To what fig it came?
Cheers Mikko