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A question! .. In the case of a (yes) vote? and looking at the heritage of a number of the 'Scottish regiments'. Would they not have to drop the 'Royal' title ??? Perhaps not the 'Highland Brigades', .. but a lot of other's may well have to!! .. How does the 'Monarchy', and this heritage sit within this debate. ??? ... Never mind the flag issue !:unsure:


Mark , It's a bit like 1947 when India gained independence, a number of Ghurka Regts were absorbed into the British Army, and kept their titles, Queen Mary's GR and King Edward V11 GR, the latter I served with in Singapore, but the rest went into the Indian Army, still as Ghurkas but no longer under the crown.
I don't think that the future of any Scottish regiments can be likened to the history of Ghurka regiments. Commonwealth Ghurka regiments have always been independent Nepalese regiments from independent Nepal. Some separate Ghurka regiments have always been part of the British army, Indian army and Nepalese army all at the same time.
The plan in the event of independence would be to keep the Queen as head of state, so the Scottish Regiments would retain their Royal prefix.

Personally, I hope none of this comes to pass. Salmon(d) and Sturgeon - a very fishy combination.

I have left this thread open after closing it last time because I thought you guys could handle it maturely. And Waterman - blanking out a few letters in an adult word doesn't mean you can use it directed at a fellow member. We don't have threads on this site that are geographically restricted to those who feel more impacted by the topic. No more please.

My last word on this topic .The 18th is crunch time for the U.K., but no matter which way it goes, i'm afraid that the damage has been done by splitting a nation and alienating our English neighbours.
I've been very outspoken on my views,as i've never been a fence sitter, but i don't see the divisions this referendum has caused, being put right in my lifetime, which saddens me.
On the plus side i'm looking forward to Euro and meeting up with all my friends,so i'll be seeing you all soon.
Brian fo;;owing our chat this morning you know I agree with a lot you say but agree to disagree on some others.
Glad your looking forward to Euro and as you know I cant manage I will give you my list of figures I need and expect you to get them Duty Free you being from an Independant country!

Good idea Don, the duty free will make up for the EU postal prices rise LOL :) look forward to seeing you all with some nice highland pieces :)
Hey Nigel, how are you doing.
People are getting a wee bit confused at the moment. Its not about one man however much you dislike him!
It is about the country and what happens to the COUNTRY after the vote!
If you (or anyone else) wants to worry just read what the major parties have set aside for Scotland if there is a no vote.

Gra 30 For those who cant manage Euro this year, will you be showing your new figures/busts before the show or will we have to wait till its all over.

Hi Don, I will be showing a couple of new pieces and then the others will be released on here over the following weeks. It is only so I can keep up with casting for orders.
Best wishes mate
Hi Don,

How are you mate? Good I hope.

Anyone that isn't worried about what will happen if we are unfortunate enough to break away from this great Union and suffer Independence is an idiot. Salmond, as first minister and head of the party driving the break up of the United Kingdom, has been charged with giving the people of Scotland the facts and has failed to do so on every occasion. There is no confusion on my part Don. I've done plenty of my own research and the seperatists come up short every time.
There's no way I'm willing to gamble away the future of my children and grandchildren Are you often in the habit of buying something when you don't know the price ?

Will you make Euro this year ? We're down in London Euro weekend so we might pop down to Folkestone on the Saturday.

Nigel,your a star.I totally agree with what you say about this issue.I too have done my homework, and there's no case for independence and as i've been saying all along it's a gamble,one that i wouldn't take with my grandkids future.
Don is a paid up member of the "braveheart" club and i've tried everything to bring him into the light,but i'm just wasting my time.LOL
I'll get pelters of him when he reads this ,no doubt.
It's pretty obvious to me (cynic that I am), that Salmon' s real motivation is to write himself into the (false) legend of Scottish victimhood! When the history books write of him, it'll be wi a catch o' the quill pen an' a teer in the eye:wtf:. Doubtless wee Flora Mc Sturgeon is learning to handle a rowing boat in case it all goes wrong and she has to carry him away over the sea to Skye/1 I'm surprised he hasn't painted half his face in blue woad.
Best wishes, Gary
(Sorry, final word on the subject)
was in Don's company last night ,his face is already painted with the St Andrews cross , Brian had the union Jack ,Del just had a stern look on his face ,Davie looked bemused and I had the italian flag on my face as I;m keeping all options open :)
Interesting that you guys say that the campaign has alreay poisoned relations for years to come. I haven't seen anything if this in far off Canada. For the man in the street's perspective here, there will be a vote on Seot. 18 and if separation is rejected, all will return to normal. Pretty much what happened here with Quebec although perhaps there was a poorer starting relationship.

Interesting that you guys say that the campaign has alreay poisoned relations for years to come.
Thats just Brian Panicking that he won't get any discount on his purchases from our English figure outlets :D