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Well it seems my lighthearted comment, wasn't taken in quite the way it was meant, but that's the problem when not talking face to face, not all can be conveyed across as intended. Sorry for any offence. Actually what i was meaning was never did i have a problem in shops pubs etc when paying in English notes in Scotland, but back in England some pubs even had it written up, No Scottish Notes, hence my remark delivered in what i thought was a tongue in cheek way. We all seem to be getting very touchy over something not of the man in the streets making.But my second point is people seem to be getting out of their prams over this referendum with each other,and making it an English Scottish War??? When really their fight is with the Tories, and the unfair voting system we have. How many in Scotland as in England don't bother to vote? I know they are not worth voting for, but you have to send a message, either by voting for some outrageous party, or just spoiling the ballot paper en masse. That rings an alarm bell, as it did in our local elections when UKIP suddenly became popular. Put it another way, if a Communist Monkey with a sky blue scarlet face put up for election, then I would vote for it, just to register my contempt. One last point, I am English born and bred, with Scottish blood coursing through my veins, traced back to 1200 AD, St Andrews in The Kingdom. No way would I intentionally wish to be offensive to a Scot , not unless he was being the same to me. My best mate I ever had, was not an Englishman, he was a lad from Oban, we served together, and I think right now he must be turning in his grave. I give Salmond one credit, he is making the politicians in government, and not all are English, truly s/- t. Themselves for once.
Even though I am an outsider in this referendum, I sincerely hope the Scottish to vote against independence and to keep the UK intact.

Don't go for bean-counting pros and cons; look at the bigger picture.
China, India are growing in wealth and will become power blocks of their own, working with, or against what we call 'the West'. Although still big in influence now, the West will have to live with ceding power to other societies that are much, much bigger, and at some point, just as rich. Not a bad thing, it can all work out if we don't start shooting at each other (more rich people will mean more figure painters!), but the last thing the West should do is dissipate energy by splitting up in smaller and smaller parts and quible about essentially local issues.

The days of splitting up and going alone are over. Unless you like to be in a romantic small boat and be swept under by the bow wave other countries' progress....

Sorry about interfering. Back to minding my own business now.

You certainly weren't interfering Adrian and a lot of what you say makes sense.I think most people aren't thinking about the long term ramifications and only thinking short term ,which is being very short sighted regarding the future of this country and of the U.K. as a whole.
I`d like to see him and his charming guests with there heads in a loop.

...... and that's the tangent in place ;) ........ seen it once. FFS no wonder the WHOLE county's going to hell in a handcart. A couple of 20 year olds with a combined weight of about 50 stone are arguing whether or not the guy was doing the dirty with a 6 stone anemic ex junky, (like that was physically possible). When in trundles the female's Jaba the Hutt-like mother and starts laying into the guy. Enter the bouncers ........ nearly peed myself laughing (makes a nice change from it just happening ;)) ........ actually when I see this written down makes me think I'll have to watch it again, I could do with a laugh.
Got to disagree with Waterman, it's not a matter of not bothering to vote, I could not vote for any of our wonderful leaders and still keep any vestige of honour or self respect. I always go to the voting station to send the message (usually rude) on my voting slip though.:woot:
Personally I have never missed an opportunity to cast my vote and never will.
I was brought up in a family where the RIGHT to vote was cherished as something precious and hard won by people like us, many of whom paid the ultimate price to give us that right.
I would lose all self respect if I thought that spoiling a ballot paper, particularly by writing something offensive was a admirable way of exercising my democratic rights and honouring those who fought to give me them.
Personally I have never missed an opportunity to cast my vote and never will.
I was brought up in a family where the RIGHT to vote was cherished as something precious and hard won by people like us, many of whom paid the ultimate price to give us that right.
I would lose all self respect if I thought that spoiling a ballot paper, particularly by writing something offensive was a admirable way of exercising my democratic rights and honouring those who fought to give me them.

If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it.
Ken Livingstone .

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