Scratchbuilt Marine 1836


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Thanks Gary,
I checked your link too and you make it look so easy......great work......thanks for sharing

Guy (y)
When is some of this sculpting talent going to rub off onto me? I've been waiting patiently but nothing seems to be happening
Maybe i'm not sitting close enough to my monitor?.........yeah that'll be it (y)

Simon (being daft - sorry!)
Gary, is that wire you're using for the piping on the collar? If so, how is it attached, glue, or embedded in the putty?

It's a beautiful job.
Guys, Thanks for the kind words.

Guy, I have learned a lot about using plastic from a good friend who scratchbuilds WW1 aircraft ans ships, so don't count out those friends/club members that build models and not figures. Easy, not without developing a colorful vocabulary and doing something it seems a hundred times to get it right once.

Simon, Keep a stiff upper lip and press on, it's now becoming easier to say this, but with repetition it becomes more enjoyable and less trying.

John, The piping is very fine red plastic rod. It took about four separate sections applied with super glue, two part epoxy, and A&B putty. It was very frustrating trust me.~Gary
Bob, Leigh, and Gordy, Thanks. These updates help me to move along as I sometimes run out of steam on these projects, besides there are other projects I'd like to do.~Gary
Good work, Gary. I like the attitude conveyed by the angle of the head. I completely understand your using sites like this to keep you on track. More than once, feedback has helped me finish a project.
Shane, Thanks. I tend to get bogged down every now and again so posting the photos and getting feedback is a great help. The photos themselves give me another way to see the figure and possibly see something that might need some "tweeking".~Gary
Good Morning Gary,

I meant to respond earlier but got sidetracked somehow.

Guy, I have learned a lot about using plastic from a good friend who scratchbuilds WW1 aircraft ans ships, so don't count out those friends/club members that build models and not figures.

I was a plastic modeler long before I was into figures and learned alot of the principals of modeling then. I wish back then they would have had some of the detail kits that are available now as I probably would still be with plastic too. I opened my first model when I was 6 and haven't stopped modeling since. I went to a MFCA figure show and got hooked on figures and haven't looked back but still attend the IPMS shows and admire the modeling I see the guys do.

Guy, I have learned a lot from a friend and discovered some things on my own. I can not stress the value of sites like this and TNT. Here is a shot of the more recent work done on the shako. I was fortunate to be able to do the eagle plate in one shot. The chin scales will be another matter.~Gary
Oh, one more thing, I added about another 1/16" or so to the height of the shako. It looked more like a marching band type shako and the extra height helped to emphasize the "bell" shape. Here is another shot. The sideburns are just "blocked in", I'll make them more full later on.~Gary
Beautiful Gary.......I admire your ability to be able to do this type of modeling. (as I look at my attempt on the desk) The Eagle looks better than the eagle on the stock figure I have of this soldier.

As for TnT and other forums, as you all know I am active in all the forums and because of being able to do more here, still frequent all the forums and post when I can. I don't think I would neccessarily want to draw everyone away from other forums but would like to see those regulars also include pf in their "daily rounds" as my wife calls it. I have plugged various times in other forums and alot of guys have visited and joined pf and are still active members in other forums as well. I use bablefish to translate pages of the foreign language forums (lilliput, H-Z Forum) and have learned alot just from reading the translations.

off the soap box................

guy (y)

good comments about PF. Gordy's created a beaut here that I think for many of us probably is a good 'catch all' on figure modelling without being too specific, era wise etc.

I like the format of this beast too, and is always there now when I do 'the rounds'.

Guys, The shako is going slow but making headway. The chinscales are individual pieces of strip plastic that now need to be rounded off. The hair is being done in A&B, though I wish it were sculpey, but I do not dare "bake" the head given the amount of plastic on the shako.~Gary

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