Completed Tambour Major


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Lots more gold lace to go, hoping it'll get the need for bling out of my system.

Cheers Simon


No bling yet but I have done the first days work on the blue and red of the habit and the chapeau. I still need to bring the highlights up and blend a bit better, although when he's not under the intense glare of the desk lights it looks less Stark.

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Cheers Simon
That's a good start on the paint, I can see this one will be full of character when it's done.
That's a good start on the paint, I can see this one will be full of character when it's done.

Many thanks Nigel, unfortunately it won't be ready for Faversham, though if I remember I'll probably bring it along anyway. I assume you will be there, it will be good to catch up.

Cheers Simon
Many thanks Nigel, unfortunately it won't be ready for Faversham, though if I remember I'll probably bring it along anyway. I assume you will be there, it will be good to catch up.
Sadly no, Faversham is the other side of the country from me, too far to drive. I will be at Bugle Call this year though if you are going....
Grabbed some bench time after very stressful DIY, OK so I was only putting a shelf up but I'm really not very good at that sort of thing, taught myself some new and unusual combinations of swear words though.

Over the last couple of days I have been concentrating on the bling. Using Darkstar Regency Gold mixed 75% to 25% with Vallejo Game Bronze Flesh I laid the foundations, then washes and detail painting with Citadel Rhinox Hide.

Once that is all dry I went over all areas adding straight Darkstar Regency Gold to highlight areas as carefully as possible. The buttons and metal plates had a layer of Darkstar Brass followed by a wash of first Citadel Seraphim Sepia and the Lamenters Yellow, both inks I have used for many years. I then added high highlights to them with Darkstar Silver Verde, keeping it as small as possible. Finally a few Coates of AK Ultra Matt Varnish to kill as much of the glossing as possible.

Now I need a good stiff brandy.

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Click thumb nails if a larger image is desired.

Best start thinking about his base now I guess.

Cheers Simon
Cheers Neil and Kev, far too much gold for one man to wear and far too long to be painting with metallics. I do like it though but I reckon it will be a while before I do that much bling again!

Cheers Simon
He's great, Simon. A really nice piece of work. And you've rendered the contrasts beautifully.
Will it be a dowdy WW1 trench vignette next, to compensate for all the bright colours?
Sadly no, Faversham is the other side of the country from me, too far to drive. I will be at Bugle Call this year though if you are going....

This just isn't good enough, being on the other side of the country is no excuse. :D
It's the same for me though not being able to get to Bugle Call. :(. I'll come up with an excuse why, as soon as I can think of one. :LOL:

He's great, Simon. A really nice piece of work. And you've rendered the contrasts beautifully.
Will it be a dowdy WW1 trench vignette next, to compensate for all the bright colours?

Thanks David, he is a bit garish but I'm quietly pleased with him. As for WW1, no I like to have the start of that war as my cut off period but I am collecting information on two very similar looking figures but from different countries. I also have a build going on over on the Small Builds Historex Group that is getting close to being finished, one stock figure I am painting and another of my builds waiting to feel.the lick of a brush. Got to keep busy, though I'm not going to get too much done next week, my daughter is off on her honeymoon, along with her in laws we are looking after the Granddaughter for two weeks!!!!

Cheers Simon
Grabbed some bench time after very stressful DIY, OK so I was only putting a shelf up but I'm really not very good at that sort of thing, taught myself some new and unusual combinations of swear words though.

Over the last couple of days I have been concentrating on the bling. Using Darkstar Regency Gold mixed 75% to 25% with Vallejo Game Bronze Flesh I laid the foundations, then washes and detail painting with Citadel Rhinox Hide.

Once that is all dry I went over all areas adding straight Darkstar Regency Gold to highlight areas as carefully as possible. The buttons and metal plates had a layer of Darkstar Brass followed by a wash of first Citadel Seraphim Sepia and the Lamenters Yellow, both inks I have used for many years. I then added high highlights to them with Darkstar Silver Verde, keeping it as small as possible. Finally a few Coates of AK Ultra Matt Varnish to kill as much of the glossing as possible.

Now I need a good stiff brandy.

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Click thumb nails if a larger image is desired.

Best start thinking about his base now I guess.

Cheers Simon

Having a good sip of brandy and admiring that work, what's not to like?!.
Great job Mate.