Jamie Stokes' "small scale pieces" featured in the last edition of Naked Modeller Monthly (NMM).
Bonus free hand-held magnifying glass with every edition

I got mine, but I still couldn't see them.
I'm looking forward to the upcoming birthday edition feature profile on
Mark "Stumpy" Stothard - The Greatest Average Modeller in the World.
I'm looking forward to reading about your early struggles to make it as a hard-working but clumsy and unbalanced Latin Dance instructor on a cruise ship in the North Sea during the 1980's - so many fractures and law suits.
Then came your "lost years" during the early 90's when you shaved your head, gave away all your worldly possessions and "walked the earth" seeking enlightenment. After almost two weeks of this, you got frost bite on your toes and had them all removed. You spent the rest of the decade in a chicken de-sexing factory on the outskirts of Dubbo, where you eventually re-acquired the skill of walking upright.
Cruelly branded "stumpy" by your mates, you limped off to the central coast of New South Wales where you briefly started and then closed your spectacularly unsuccessful "sheep beautification salon". Although the charges were eventually dropped, the stigma remained long after the medication ran out. Throughout all these trials, re-trials, occasional triumphs and unmitigated disasters, Mark perfected the art of being an average figure modeller.
Blessed with no extraordinary artistic talent and an unwillingness to leave his comfort zone (except to nick down to the hardware store to breathe deeply in the glue section), Mark perfected the science of "averageness", by blending his innate "she'll be right mate" attitude with a colossal level of laziness. In this respect he has become a truly exceptional and inspiring global presence. A master average modeller, and a proud recipient of numerous beige medals for mediocrity at Euro Militaire, he has become the greatest average modeller in the history of our hobby.
Mark can no longer dance the rumba and his tango requires a safety harness. He may have a lifelong restraining order against him approaching and buying drinks for good-looking sheep (or indeed any single and attractive barnyard animals) but when it comes to average figure modelling, he's the best in the world.