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About sable brushes...
Every year , hundreds of millions of rabbits, foxes, minks, chinchillas, raccoons, ferrets, squirrels, dogs, cats and other animals are bred and kept in squalid conditions in cages so-called
" fur farms " being sentenced for a brutal death, their skin and fur is used in coats, jackets, watches, shoes, bags, earrings and various other pieces of clothing and accessories .
These animals are the real "fashion victims". After a lifetime of suffering and distress, the animals are eventually killed by absolutely horrible methods and even without being stunned or anesthetized before. Methods such as anal death by electrocution (which can also be vaginally, in the case of females ), by asphyxiation, drowning, cervical dislocation (breaking the neck), poisoning or by exposure to gases... This death methods are permitted by law???? and routinely used throughout the world . The aim is always to maintain the quality and integrity of the skin and fur of animals - which is what has economic value - and the welfare of animals completely disregarded at all times.

I appreciate very much the US law regarding this matter and hope to see all world doing the same in short time.
Sable brushes are the best, no one doubts! But there are alternatives.
Dont want to start a "war" with this,
NOT MY GOAL, but I must give you my impressions again about this matter, hoping you all understand what is involved here. We all have a share of this criminal industry by using this type of products.
The food chain is the same, almost all have to eat animals... for me,
all animals must be kept in the best conditions and in the end ran out in a dignified manner and with the least possible suffering. It is what I feel.
I will bought Versatil brushes from Escoda and I'll be happy to post here the results obtained with them, and also my opinion about them as an alternative to sable.