For this post I thought I'd go into a little more detail how I go about painting.
As for the colour choice for Captain Morgan, I was a bit sneaky and based it on the label on a bottle Cat. M rum.

This is something quite new for me, and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of you have been doing this method for ages.
Anyway, I start by painting in the shadows. This is followed by building up washes of the base colour.

The next step is to apply the first highlight, I did this with a flat brush drawing it lightly over the surface so it catches the folds.
This leaves me a good guide on where to increase the depth of the shadows and strengthen the highlights, while tidying it up as I go.
Since I've been using this method, I've been quite pleased with the results.

Please click on the thumbnails for a larger image.
I know have got to start planning on the colours to be used for the third pirate, while I continue with Captain Morgan.
So for a bit of inspiration I'll watch a couple of episodes of Black Sails.
As you've guessed its time for a little tipple.