Very nice work, I too like the way you handled the pistol in the sash. This is going to look great when done!
Thanks for the steer on the Vision Aid, I bought one and already prefer it to my optivisor. I thought the light on it was a bit of a gimmick but it has been really helpful when rigging WWI aircraft.
I'm now awaiting delivery of my Redgrass lamp, which should be here in a couple of weeks. I'm holding off more figure painting until I have that.
I made a late pledge for the lamp, so I suppose I'll have to wait a bit longer for it to arrive.
I'm sure it will make a big difference.
The sash was painted in acrylics first, with highlights and shadows too, before giving a wash of Alizarin Crimson in oils to make it more vibrant.
Glad you like the visor, I've not tried the light yet, will definitely give it a try.