New york/New Jersey Regiment


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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2004
Some pics on my last project (it still miss small details, buttons etc.)
Any comment are welcomed


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Nice work! I think the buttons on the legs are a litle bit bigger than it would have to be, or not. By the way good job, I like it. Thanks for a sharing.

Best regards,
I always enjoy seeing a sculpture come to life, my compliments on a job well done.

Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

I really like the Troiani study your figure is inspired by, great choice. In the recent past a few folks have been upset by what I felt were honest and fair observations, so please view them as constructive in nature. How much time did you spend sculpting this figure? My reason for asking is that the helmet looks a bit rushed. Sheets of rolled out putty make great helmet visors and shields (front of helmet) and can be left to cure. It looks as though you may have applied your helmet front before it had time to start to properly cure before application. The cartridge box looks like a cross between a cartridge box and shot pouch. If you look at the American cartridge box on page 53 of the Troiani book your figure is based on you'll see that the flap comes down completely over the "box" portion of the cartridge box. The most important thing is the "rifle" you are using as a musket. Percussion rifles were still decades away from being. You'll have to alter or cut off the hammer and add a flash pan and frizzen. As for the uniform the lace on the cuffs does not go to the edge of the cuff or lapels. The tip of the back half of the "half gaiters" should only come up to the middle of the back of the calf at it's highest point. Are you going to build the hanger (sword) for the figure? Buttons can also be a sticky point for some, so in short you may want to use smaller buttons for the gaiters. The anatomy of the figure's legs need to be filled out a bit in places as they look a bit awkward. The comments may seem lengthy but there are not many things that need to be done that could elevate your figure to a higher level of accuracy both historically and anatomically. Keep sculpting.~Gary
Gary, I do not think your comments are unfair. Mind you, I've never posted anything for comment, (one day I will and if you do not make any comment I will give up :eek: ) but I am sure that I would welcome anything from a master like you. In your posts you have show your knowledge and observational powers, and in an informal and helpful way. I'm a tyro in this game and learn much from your posts.

Love the figure, kastigamatt. Wish I had half your talent...
If you would like I would be happy to post pictures of a few cartridge boxes that you could usw as reference.~Gary
Yes please and thanks for the suggestions, Gary. Happen to me that I keep watching my figure on the desk day after day. Sometimes some mistake it become so familiar and I loose the critical point of view. Sharing my works on the planet help me up on this and even the picture by itself. Thanks to everybody and keep posting your opinion. Ciao
Luca Cullati
I wish i had this sculpting talent. Gary's knowledge of the ASW is great. What i have seen here that he is a walking encyclopedia of this period.
Anyway, keep on sculpting, and you have finished something. Most things i did are ended in the trashbin.

Though there were many styles of cartridge boxes this one is suitable for your figure. Note the measurements that are given in the text and the placement of the cartridge box sling.~Gary


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