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There's been good comments on this thread and some really good banter, and some not so very good.Here's my final word on the matter.
No matter if the yes, or the no vote wins (if you could call it winning) there will be in this country of mine, an underlying animosity, between the Scottish differences that this referendum has brought to light, that i can see lasting for some time to come which saddens me, as i for one have changed my views on some of the people living in my country Scotland.My sister is Scottish,but has lived most of her life in London and i always recall when she told me that the English thought the Scottish were so well balanced, that they had a chip on both shoulders.We had a good laugh at the time
That was over 40 years ago, and i'm now starting to believe what she said was right, and i'm not laughing now.
For me what is happening has never been about whether or not the Scottish vote for independence. For me it is watching the implosion of Britain, and not being able to vote or do anything at all about the outcome. It is like watching a fatal car crash in slow motion. I get pissed off with the media and the way it is being reported, with only 'yes' voters it seems, and showing what the new Union flag will look like when it is just red and white, which should strike the greatest anger and resentment in every British person on the planet. Why aren't people screaming from the rooftops to prevent this? I have tried very hard to write this without the 'F' word in every sentence, but believe me the expletives will be flowing next week if the disintegration takes place.

I have never been much of been a nationalist; you will see no 'English' flag flying from my house during the world cup. But being 'British' meant something bigger, something to be proud of. We are a nation sleepwalking into the history books.

Right...rant over, I've calmed down now (for a while).

On a lighter note, upon the disintegration of britain (with a small 'b') I hereby declare the independence of the county of KENT (founded 449) from the other tribes. We have decided we also want independence from the rest of what remains of Britain, and are going back to our Danish, German and French roots. And we have a cracking flag, the White Horse of Kent, which looks better than what remains of the Union Jack. Finally we can drop out of the grief of modern politics, and go back to the shire of Hobbiton and smoke a pipe!

For me what is happening has never been about whether or not the Scottish vote for independence. For me it is watching the implosion of Britain, and not being able to vote or do anything at all about the outcome. It is like watching a fatal car crash in slow motion. I get pissed off with the media and the way it is being reported, with only 'yes' voters it seems, and showing what the new Union flag will look like when it is just red and white, which should strike the greatest anger and resentment in every British person on the planet. Why aren't people screaming from the rooftops to prevent this? I have tried very hard to write this without the 'F' word in every sentence, but believe me the expletives will be flowing next week if the disintegration takes place.

I have never been much of been a nationalist; you will see no 'English' flag flying from my house during the world cup. But being 'British' meant something bigger, something to be proud of. We are a nation sleepwalking into the history books.

Right...rant over, I've calmed down now (for a while).

On a lighter note, upon the disintegration of britain (with a small 'b') I hereby declare the independence of the county of KENT (founded 449) from the other tribes. We have decided we also want independence from the rest of what remains of Britain, and are going back to our Danish, German and French roots. And we have a cracking flag, the White Horse of Kent, which looks better than what remains of the Union Jack. Finally we can drop out of the grief of modern politics, and go back to the shire of Hobbiton and smoke a pipe!

That certainly highlights a major problem with the Better Together campaign. Whoever has been responsible for their media campaign has done a woeful job.
This lack of exposure has contributed to a widely held belief amongst Scots of both camps that the rest of the country doesn't give a f**k ......... and that folks takes us pretty much back to where this all started.
However, according to this mornings 'Financial Times', significant amounts of money is already heading out of Scotland. As institutions are now beginning to panic! This does not bode well for Scotland's economy, and should be a wake up call to those who are stuck on the pleasant notion of independence rather than the harsh reality and cost.

Well said Johnathon, I am all for Kent being independent, although I no longer live there, but one day I shall return. Kent was never conquered hence our motto INVICTA. Good post mate, regards from me a true KENTISHMAN.
Ha ha, I agree beer is nothing without good ole Kentish Hops. They try to grow a few in Worcestershire and Herefordshire, but they are a poor mans substitute. I know what you lot like by the amount of beer you sup when you are down in Kent for Euro.. Never tried Sheep Dip, what's that like????
You did have me a bit worried when you said that you liked Sheep Billyturnip?? I know that you matelows are a bit partial to a lot of things, but didn't think that you visited the animal manger on the Focsle. No wonder that they had a Bootneck to Guard it in day's of old. Come to think about it you have rather hi jacked this thread. Good on yer Jack!