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The early announcement of a new Royal baby, I fear was a cynical and daft move to try and swing a NO vote. The more I read about this referendum the more I can see the other side of the coin. Maybe Salmond doesn't have a lot of the answers,but a lot of Scots are so resentful of this Tory led coalition that has little regard for anyone other than their rich bankers and cronies, that they sense they can only break free by voting Yes. Also I see it that they want to be given back their own destiny and the chance to make their own way, free from the English Establishment that quite frankly is never ever going to change. The Scots are a different culture with proud traditions, and I read today that a growing number of them are even becoming anti monarchy, seeing the Royals as privelidged and out of touch, and in one news article it was written that once the queen had gone, no way would many of them accept Charles as a future King. So despite all the unknowns, a growing number are happy to embrace them, rather than accept rule by a bunch of Westminster elitists who don't give a damn outside of London and the home shires. As an Englishman living in the North,I can understand all of this, and if I was given a vote, I would be most likely now to vote Yes. I sense change is in the air, good luck and perhaps it will put a time bomb under these smug complacent politicians we have down in Westminster, but somehow I think the rest of us are still going to get shafted. If the vote does go for a NO, then stand by Scotland, revenge will be swift and sweet, you will never get another chance.
I think you are right re revenge , might not be able these days to hang draw and quarter upstart Scots but revenge will be muted out should it go to a no .
Re the grand children thing well twenty years from now another World war is expected and being talked about in the dark corridors of power .
Dont believe in flying saucers :rolleyes: well not from outer space but America has already got this type of aircraft under wraps and the Russians know.:eek:
One point nobody has mentioned is if there's a yes vote, we'll have to bring back that other verse in the national anthem.
What the one about slaughtering the Scots :eek: if there had not been the Highland clearances there would most certainly be a yes vote , feelings still run pretty high north of the great Glen ;)
The Rabid anti Conservative blogging is a bit unsettling, how anyone can support the organisation that put this country into mammoth debt I find laughable, memories of Gordon as chancellor and his favourite saying (in the interest of prudence) while borrowing money hand over fist and building hospitals on private capital at huge rates of interest that these establishments now struggle to pay! nice one Gordon. Following that no-one in the labour party had the guts to run against him as Prime Minister....what a joke he was.
Followed by a Tory party who increase the debt, do nothing about the banks but crow about reducing the deficit, another Joke.............they must all think we are stupid...............are any of them worth voting for? Politics will always be about self interest and looking after your mates...that's how the world works.
The referendum is unfortunate, like Quebec the Nationalists will not let it go if they lose and the divisions in Scotland will be quite Toxic I fear. The UK Government has in my opinion laid low for fear of giving the Scots the feeling that they were being pushed into saying no. I'm really swinging in favour of a Yes vote, lets get it over with, separate and get on with life and rid ourselves of the Nationalists who are never going to accept a No vote anyway.
Role on Euro for us modellers the referendum will be History.......and we'll still be talking to one another!
It's already started Ron... You don't think the western powers aren't happy to reestablish the Evil Russian Empire as the villain all the west loves to hate.
I do love a good conspiracy theory, personally I've been looking at the sky for years watching for something nasty to drop on us......... never thought it would be a great big fat Salmon:woot:
I do love a good conspiracy theory, personally I've been looking at the sky for years watching for something nasty to drop on us......... never thought it would be a great big fat Salmon:woot:

Don't talk about the future King like that Garry :ROFLMAO: Keith Calm doon it's a dillusion and just a dirty Scottish trick to squeeze more money out of you's be cause our football team is pish
No Gary, but the way Putin is going, and the way the West is handling him it could be a great big ray of Sunshine.
Still not made my mind up yet but the Tory come labour Lib propaganda last night almost made me puke, with rag arsed actors talking down to us and making out that we were a tribe of imbeciles , is this what Westminster thinks of us ; only good for cannon fodder in imperialistic times .
Can see the Labour point as they will be totally fecked without the Scottish vote and as for Gordon Brown he sold more jerseys than Davie White :rolleyes: who's he :eek: some would say the biggest pretender ever to set foot in Ibrox
I tend to spout a lot of nonsense, I hope none of it is malicious, but most of it is cynical. I find it disgusting that any politicians are allowed to get involved in this debate that is so crucial to the well being of two great nations for generations to come. The politician, to the core of it's being, firmly believes that what is good for him (or her), must be the right thing for us, everything has to be done in time to provide an exciting opening headline for the Six o' Clock news, and if it all goes wrong by the next broadcast,
well that's OK , we'll cook up a new story by then. I'm surprised they don't hold a beauty contest and demand we revel in the glory of their statesmanship!!!They are NOT WANTED.
We know the situation, we have a fantastically successful political union that was started 400 years ago, to the benefit of both sides, that was formalised 300 years ago, again to the benefit of both sides, and has been strong because it is right. Partnerships work best when both sides bring something to the table, and in this case, both sides did - massively. The character of the English and the Scottish combined to make The British. We are the greatest union the world has ever seen, we had the greatest Empire and we brought fair dealing democratic civilisation that still influences world affairs. And if you don't believe it, just ask the Indian widow who no longer has to climb onto the funeral pyre with her dead husband!
To break up the British State is teary eyed emotionalism of the worst kind. It is INSANITY!!!! It is akin to knocking down Stone Henge because it's spoiling your view pf the wind farm. And it is likely to happen thanks to the self serving, puffed up chip on shoulder crew on one side, and the uninspiring statistic bashing couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag dimwits on the other.
Are we really that GULLIBLE!
That's it from me, best wishes, Gary.
What the one about slaughtering the Scots :eek: if there had not been the Highland clearances there would most certainly be a yes vote , feelings still run pretty high north of the great Glen ;)
What slaughter? The highland clearances although instigated by the BRITISH government ,the chiefs of the clans sold their own people down the river as the introduction of sheep was found to be more profitable.That's a fact.
There would have been no highland clearances if Bonnie Prince Charlie had stayed in France.But he didn't, and all of the catholic clans came out on his side, as his purpose in coming to Scotland was to regain the protestant British throne.That was the start of the long process of clearing the highlands of the tribal clans after the loss at Culloden.The majority of Scotland especially the lowland Scots were against the invasion by the highland clans and that included Glasgow.That's a fact,and remains that way up to the present.
What slaughter? The highland clearances although instigated by the BRITISH government ,the chiefs of the clans sold their own people down the river as the introduction of sheep was found to be more profitable.That's a fact.
There would have been no highland clearances if Bonnie Prince Charlie had stayed in France.But he didn't, and all of the catholic clans came out on his side, as his purpose in coming to Scotland was to regain the protestant British throne.That was the start of the long process of clearing the highlands of the tribal clans after the loss at Culloden.The majority of Scotland especially the lowland Scots were against the invasion by the highland clans and that included Glasgow.That's a fact,and remains that way up to the present.

Well feck me it's come down to religion and the argument of who has the best imaginary friend