The early announcement of a new Royal baby, I fear was a cynical and daft move to try and swing a NO vote. The more I read about this referendum the more I can see the other side of the coin. Maybe Salmond doesn't have a lot of the answers,but a lot of Scots are so resentful of this Tory led coalition that has little regard for anyone other than their rich bankers and cronies, that they sense they can only break free by voting Yes. Also I see it that they want to be given back their own destiny and the chance to make their own way, free from the English Establishment that quite frankly is never ever going to change. The Scots are a different culture with proud traditions, and I read today that a growing number of them are even becoming anti monarchy, seeing the Royals as privelidged and out of touch, and in one news article it was written that once the queen had gone, no way would many of them accept Charles as a future King. So despite all the unknowns, a growing number are happy to embrace them, rather than accept rule by a bunch of Westminster elitists who don't give a damn outside of London and the home shires. As an Englishman living in the North,I can understand all of this, and if I was given a vote, I would be most likely now to vote Yes. I sense change is in the air, good luck and perhaps it will put a time bomb under these smug complacent politicians we have down in Westminster, but somehow I think the rest of us are still going to get shafted. If the vote does go for a NO, then stand by Scotland, revenge will be swift and sweet, you will never get another chance.