I'm started to get a wee bit worried with some of the comments made by some folk on this thread.They're either losing the plot ,or haven't faced up to the reality of what's going on.
Salmond's propaganda is as good as Goebbels was for the Germans during ww2.Here's Alex's buzz words ,poll tax,bedroom tax,Trident,Tories are to blame,Labour is in with the Tory plot.That's all the man and his party can say, and aren't the Scottish swallowing it,hook line and sinker.
That's the bullshit,here's the truth.Did anybody notice the billions that were wiped out overnight,and the pound dropping because of the possibilities of a Yes vote being successful.
Did anybody notice that we are guaranteed home rule within the U.K.It's a bribe i hear you say! I personally don't care if it's a bribe or not,as you should never cut off your nose to spite your face,and never look a gift horse in the mouth.
As for my English friends,a yes vote would be highly detrimental to England.Mind you,you'll probably end up with a lot a Scotsman moving down south to look for the jobs that the big companies have taken with them, when they jump ship.
Then the rest of us Scots can wait for the mass immigration promised by Salmond (read the white paper), so that they can get jobs ,to pay tax,which will pay for the ageing Scottish population's pensions.Not my words but Mr Salmonds,check it out.
I'm not a dyed in the wool Unionist,but i know when it's time to use a bit of common sense ,and stop all this crap about a Scottish Utopia.Some people of the yes persuasion will think me a traitor, but when it comes down to it, looking after my family and their future is my priority in life and so it should be.
Whether i'm right or wrong, i can always say i've did my homework ,looking it from both sides of the fence before coming to my decision.I know that if more people thought about it a wee bit more they might come to their senses,but unfortunately my fellow Scotsmen have a horrible history of shooting themselves in the foot.Hopefully not this time.
Salmond's propaganda is as good as Goebbels was for the Germans during ww2.Here's Alex's buzz words ,poll tax,bedroom tax,Trident,Tories are to blame,Labour is in with the Tory plot.That's all the man and his party can say, and aren't the Scottish swallowing it,hook line and sinker.
That's the bullshit,here's the truth.Did anybody notice the billions that were wiped out overnight,and the pound dropping because of the possibilities of a Yes vote being successful.
Did anybody notice that we are guaranteed home rule within the U.K.It's a bribe i hear you say! I personally don't care if it's a bribe or not,as you should never cut off your nose to spite your face,and never look a gift horse in the mouth.
As for my English friends,a yes vote would be highly detrimental to England.Mind you,you'll probably end up with a lot a Scotsman moving down south to look for the jobs that the big companies have taken with them, when they jump ship.
Then the rest of us Scots can wait for the mass immigration promised by Salmond (read the white paper), so that they can get jobs ,to pay tax,which will pay for the ageing Scottish population's pensions.Not my words but Mr Salmonds,check it out.
I'm not a dyed in the wool Unionist,but i know when it's time to use a bit of common sense ,and stop all this crap about a Scottish Utopia.Some people of the yes persuasion will think me a traitor, but when it comes down to it, looking after my family and their future is my priority in life and so it should be.
Whether i'm right or wrong, i can always say i've did my homework ,looking it from both sides of the fence before coming to my decision.I know that if more people thought about it a wee bit more they might come to their senses,but unfortunately my fellow Scotsmen have a horrible history of shooting themselves in the foot.Hopefully not this time.