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For me what is happening has never been about whether or not the Scottish vote for independence. For me it is watching the implosion of Britain, and not being able to vote or do anything at all about the outcome. It is like watching a fatal car crash in slow motion. I get pissed off with the media and the way it is being reported, with only 'yes' voters it seems, and showing what the new Union flag will look like when it is just red and white, which should strike the greatest anger and resentment in every British person on the planet. Why aren't people screaming from the rooftops to prevent this? I have tried very hard to write this without the 'F' word in every sentence, but believe me the expletives will be flowing next week if the disintegration takes place.

I have never been much of been a nationalist; you will see no 'English' flag flying from my house during the world cup. But being 'British' meant something bigger, something to be proud of. We are a nation sleepwalking into the history books.

Right...rant over, I've calmed down now (for a while).

On a lighter note, upon the disintegration of britain (with a small 'b') I hereby declare the independence of the county of KENT (founded 449) from the other tribes. We have decided we also want independence from the rest of what remains of Britain, and are going back to our Danish, German and French roots. And we have a cracking flag, the White Horse of Kent, which looks better than what remains of the Union Jack. Finally we can drop out of the grief of modern politics, and go back to the shire of Hobbiton and smoke a pipe!
I know how you feel as I can't wait until it's all over and maybe we can get back to normal hopefully
Perhaps the most surprising thing that will happen is that the sun will rise the next day just as it always has, and just as it always will.
Black Sheep is the other brewery in Masham, also owned by a member of the Theakston family. It's a lovely pint. qspwjefe)&ts=1410346263

Glad I've managed to hijack this thread and diverted it to a more inclusive and sensible subject.

Roger the unrepentant hijacker. :D
To almost get back on track, what the hell are we going to drop in our beer if the Scots vote yes and deprive us of Whisky?:(
You see? this is the problem with politics, nobody thinks of these crucial issues! UP THE UNION!
That's right Derek and what's more I don't care where it comes from as long as it's good and I'm very adaptable, even the not so good stuff can have it's place.

Hi Roger, picked up a couple of bottles of Guinness' new venture launched last week.
Apparently faithfully based on 200 year old recipes from their archives, Dublin Porter 3.8 and West Indies Porter 6.0 both at first tasting are very impressive.
What's also impressive is that Morrisons are flogging them for £1.50.
At that price I'm heading off later to get a crate or two of each for the winter.
Damn, I'm travelling back to work tomorrow so will miss that offer.
I had a bottle or two of this the other day, very nice (y)

Damn, I'm travelling back to work tomorrow so will miss that offer.
I had a bottle or two of this the other day, very nice (y)

View attachment 169722

That looks interesting. Just back from Morrisons and picked up a dozen of each of the Porters.
Also some Blanche de Namur, haven't had this for about 25 years remember it fondly. I'll be having a bottle or two of this tonight as the weather is unseasonably good so eating dinner in the garden (y)
Also got myself a couple each of Leffe's new? Ruby and Nectar. I'm not a fan of 'fruit' beers other than Lambics so I'll be interested to see what this and the honey based Nectar are like.
The Leffe I do want to try is their Royale which is top fermented, a style I really like.
According to Money week the referendum has reduced each individuals wealth in the past week by 6% due to the drop in Sterling-None of us will be immune from the effects of the vote either way. Another interesting fact is that Scotland doesn't use the powers it already has. Health is devolved, Education is devolved, Holyrood controls business rates, has the right to vary income tax by 3p in the pound (a right it has so definately declined to use that HMRC has mothballed the software created for use in Scotland), it can raise money for infastructure projects and controls 60% of the countries expenditure. The Scotland Act of 2012 granted even more power, the right to vary income taxes by 10p in the pound, power over stamp duty, land taxes, landfill taxes and the right to use the financial markets to raise money.
I wonder how much of this is known to the Yes camp............all this is available already. This is about blatant nationalism and will be economic suicide. Brian you are right to fear for your grand children but the effects of a Yes vote will be to the detriment of us all. Capital will fly out of Scotland while decisions are made about currency. Gilt Markets will be upset and that could result in a down rating of the UK's credit rating. The pound will fall further but a new Scottish currency will be around 15% lower than the pound, etc etc.
I hope they know what they are doing to Scotland while the fatman becomes President?
I'm changing banks soon as ,I'm not chancing my life savings in a Scottish bank,although I'm still optimistic of a No vote winning.I've just checked a more reliable source other than the polls.The bookies! Still odds on for a No vote.
Someone mentioned that there could be a bit of bad blood but it will be Scot on Scot.
Salmond latest ploy is that he's chasing the Catholic vote and then posing with a bunch of foreigners all holding up cards with Yes in their different languages written on them.This a wee hint of what's to come I.e. mass immigration into Scotland as stated by Salmond some time ago.So all you Yes voters remember this when your kids and grandkids are on the dole while someone from distant shores has all the jobs so they can pay their taxes to pay the pensions of Scotland's ageing population.Fact not Fiction!!!!
To almost get back on track, what the hell are we going to drop in our beer if the Scots vote yes and deprive us of Whisky?:(
You see? this is the problem with politics, nobody thinks of these crucial issues! UP THE UNION!
Not to worry Gary... If all goes sideways, you can start importing good Canadian Rye Whiskey. Nothing makes a better Boilermaker than Canadian Club or Wiser's rye whiskey.
That could help repair the ties between Canada and the mother country that were ruined by Peter Waterhole in the '70's

Colin, lover of fine Rye
There must be a referendum or election or something on as you ca,nt move in Glasgow today for Labour MP,s all gathered round the statue of the father of our nation:eek:
I'm just listening to the sick joke that acts as fishface's finance minister:(. The gist of what he DEMANDS is that he will have full sovereignty and total independence and keep the pound, and meanwhile the Bank of England will act as guarantor for whatever fantasyland spending plans he wants to make?
I don't know what he's been smoking, but GET REAL!!!!!!!
Garyhiggins,I think the Bank of England may well do that, because to not do so could cause massive problems for England as like it or not we are so entwined. That was the view of an independent economist on BBC TV last night, and Salmond is aware of this. There are two views being hawked around, one from the government, but the other from independent so called experts is often one of yes but! and is often at odds with what our government is saying.
Garyhiggins,I think the Bank of England may well do that, because to not do so could cause massive problems for England as like it or not we are so entwined. That was the view of an independent economist on BBC TV last night, and Salmond is aware of this. There are two views being hawked around, one from the government, but the other from independent so called experts is often one of yes but! and is often at odds with what our government is saying.

Exactly right Waterman.
Whether there is a vote for independence or increased Devolved Powers, the Banks despite their posturing and threats, will look to the most advantageous fiscal model and go with that.
Let's remember these are the people who ruined thousands of lives whilst feathering their own nests.
As for the political input to the Better Together Campaign it's been mortifyingly dreadful.
There's been a fair bit of criticism and name calling about Salmond but as a politician he can wipe the floor with the vast majority of our elected representatives on all sides of the UK borders. It's a pity he's a Nationalist.
As to it being one man's agenda that's of course nonsense the drive towards this point in history goes back to 1979 when the first attempt to acheive Scottish Devolution failed thanks to the 40% majority rule, based on the registered electorate. This was proposed tactically by the Labour member for Islington South and Finsbury who could be said to have instigated the demise of the Callaghan Government. The SNP took the huff and withdrew support for Labour, thereby contributing the fall of the Govt and the rise of Thatcher, Blair, Brown and Cameron along with the parasitical George Osbourne.
If Scotland votes NO, nobody will know if it would have been a mistake.Steve me old mate, if your comments were widely viewed in Scotland, there would be a certain YES vote for certain, as this is the type of statement that would rile any Scotsman.It's a wee bit patronising, and there's nothing that would get up a Scotsman nose more than taking advice from England.Just think if it was Scotland telling England on an English matter ,if you make a mistake don't come crying to us.Wouldn't go down too well,would it.
Anyway Steve are you going to Euro which ,lets face it, is a lot more important than politics
Your Scottish pal