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Not to liken either Quebec or Scottish separatists to terrorists, but an analogy in the 80's may be to the PLO, Red Brigades, IRA, etc working together. Similar general goals but vastly different specific ones. Oh well.

I just want the vote over and done with now, but whichever way it goes we are no longer a United Kingdom. Too much hatred and vitriol has been shown on both sides and from North and South of the Border. People have long memories and now we all know what some of us has always suspected.
I just want the vote over and done with now, but whichever way it goes we are no longer a United Kingdom. Too much hatred and vitriol has been shown on both sides and from North and South of the Border. People have long memories and now we all know what some of us has always suspected.

Don't be too negative Waterman. We have been through this twice and we all still get along reasonably well. Perhaps a bout of marriage counselling if you all opt to stay together.

Yes Colin, but Canada is not Britain. You are vast, we are so small and densely populated, that a splash in the pond is felt strongly by all. Plus the defence and security of these islands are now on the line. It really is like a massive family rift now, blown all out of proportion , and we are not over our Northern Ireland troubles properly yet, without this, and too many now in England are saying Get Rid, and Good Riddance, and I can see that if they stay, Westminster will be all out for revenge, and they won't get half of what they are hoping for. Recipe for more ill feeling I am afraid.
This issue has finally hit the airwaves in the US the past week. There are many Scottish organizations here including running our own version of Highland Games outside of Chicago. The overall attitude seems to be "Why?" Most people here think of Great Britain's structure like our own which of course is not so. If you're from the US, you're also proud of your state and they are intertwined.
In opposition to the Federal governments policies, a couple of months ago, Texas voted to secede from the Union. It was a non-binding vote, more so to tweak the President.
This issue has finally hit the airwaves in the US the past week. There are many Scottish organizations here including running our own version of Highland Games outside of Chicago. The overall attitude seems to be "Why?" Most people here think of Great Britain's structure like our own which of course is not so. If you're from the US, you're also proud of your state and they are intertwined.
In opposition to the Federal governments policies, a couple of months ago, Texas voted to secede from the Union. It was a non-binding vote, more so to tweak the President.
I will be voting NO,and no matter which way it goes,i will still call myself British.I've been loyal to Scotland all my life ,67 years.I've also served 9 years in the Royal Australian Air Force where my daughter and best friend was born.That 9 years gave me the opportunity to see Britain from a different perspective i.e. outside looking in, which few people get to see.It shaped my way of thinking about these tiny islands of ours.I love Scotland and Great Britain and i can't comprehend the reason why anybody would want to break that up.It's beyond me!!!!
So i repeat,i will be British no matter what happens and anybody that has a problem with that can go eff themselves.
The only animosity i can foresee, is with the Scottish people, as i can feel it myself against any of my countrymen voting Yes.
Just my opinion, but nobody can make me feel any different.
On more important issues i.e. Euro,i just hope to God that this issue about independence will not become the major talking point around the bars and hotels,as i for one won't be partaking in such conversations.
All of my life, my country has been Great Britain and Northern Ireland,. When younger I took an oath to Queen and Country to that effect, and it really angers me that that could be broken up by a "former" Marxist conman and his malicious little gang of subversives. As it is he's rigged the referendum by banning Scots in the rest of the UK,
by rigging the question to be massively biased, and by fixing things to allow 16 & 17 year olds to vote, which in itself is not legitimate without a referendum of all of the UK.
I saw that revolting man Tommy Sheridan on a political show yesterday, and he could not contain his glee at the prospect of destroying our Country.!!!
I'll be glad when this idiocy is over, and please god Scotland wakes up in time.
Meanwhile, have a great referendum free time at Euro, best wishes Gary.
As I understand it even in the event of a no vote there will be a substantial transfer of further powers to a devolved Scottish Parliament including budgets. This would then raise the issue of the Lothian Question & the distinct possibility of the creation of a parliament relevant to the rest of the UK excluding Scotland dealing with those policies which don't affect Scotland. It is very possible that the UK (total) government & the UK (residual) government would have different controlling political parties making it very difficult for a party governing UK (total) to set a budget which would need to be approved by the UK (residual) government. For example simplistically this might mean that a UK Labour Government couldn't get a national finance bill past a Tory controlled residual UK parliament.
Things might never be the same again, wait for the chaos after Thursday regardless of the vote in Scotland!

However, splintering or divisive the vote may appear to be with the outlook seemingly headed toward a divided populace after the vote I can at least suggest that perhaps Scotland's experience will be similar to Australia's after our own hard fought and highly emotionally charged republican debate which ended with a referendum which was successful in the NO argument.
I was a yes voter which put me in the 45% category, but needless to say the fight was lost but, the very next day everything simply continued as it was beforehand without any evidence of the previous weeks impassioned debates.
Hopefully the same will happen for Scotland,....seriously we had the argument, it was finally settled, and everyone simply got on with life afterwards without a second thought.............cheers and all the best for the Scots!!!
Thanks for your best wishes Mark.I think that you Aussies are more laid back than us,remember i lived amongst you guys for nearly 10 years,but unfortunately i couldn't say the same for my fellow countrymen,as i can see definite bad blood for some time to come, no matter the decision.
As my daughter is a born and bred dinky-di Aussie,do you reckon they'd let me back in mate??????????????????:D
The Aussie referendum campaign does not compare. The vote was for Monarchy versus Republic. The Scottish referendum would be like Victoria voting to seccede from The Commonwealth of Australia - a different prospect altogether. Interestingly my late father was in Austrlaia for a squadron reunion during the referendum. All those he expected to be pro the Monarchy (his squadron CO etc.) were pro republic and vice versa.

Without getting too involved in this debate, all I can say is Scot, Northern Irishman, Welshman, Englishman, Manx, Cornishman whatever! We are all British and a unique "Great Nation", C'mon Scotland! What are you thinking of??? Keep the whole of Britain together as a United Kingdom "United we stand..Divided we fall" and lets face it, there's enough trouble about to kick off big time in the middle east, this is not the time to be even thinking about splitting up the U.K. let alone trying to do it!
All in all, after it's all said and done, I just wouldn't want ordinary working families to suffer as a result of a 'yes' vote. That would be a tragedy. And we all know they're the people that tend to suffer first, while the politicos waltz off, scot free. (No pun intended).
Should the Scots take leave of their senses and decide to divorce the rest of us, I can't see many votes in Northern Ireland, Wales and England in offering favourable terms to an independent Scotland............ currency, defence, national assets, debts, BBC &c., &c.

Yours in despair,


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