As an Englishman I am delighted that our family is not to be rent asunder. Many of my fellow countrymen have made unpleasant comments about our Scottish brethren. I have no doubt that the vast majority of Nationalists voted with their hearts in the right place and will be bitterly disappointed with the result. To them I would only say, you have no idea how much Scots have contributed to both the United Kingdom, and to England, and for you to have left the fold would have been a day of immeasurable sadness to many of us in the rest of the now re-United Kingdom.
Many of my friends and colleagues hale from over the border, and for them to be either foreigners in the land of their birth, or in the land in which they live and work, would be sad beyond belief.
Here's hoping that something positive comes out of this, especially if, despite Ken Livingstone's famous quote about democracy (if it changed anything it would be banned) there is a force for change in our nation. I for one would back a federal UK, much like the Commonwealth of Australia (the land of my parents).