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'anging - aswell
monkey wow.jpg
Who got it binned :confused:
I don't think it was Mark S, so in his defence I don't know.
The foreigner abuse came from both sides, let's face it we will never get on (me and Mark) no matter how many olive branches.
I don't want him to be blamed unduly, any private messages between us are fine, I have thick skin and I can bark, I rarely bite.

Scotland, Scotland the brave .

I served 9 years in Scotland, my surname is Scottish, I just hate being told my choice by people who preach from roof tops and when it has no affect in them and they live the other side of the world.
To ME, I love being part of Scotland and it works both ways :), I hope Scottish people will continue to like being part of England :)
Hey, with the others we could get together and be called the United Kingdom :) emphasise on United :)
I always understood that the word Pom applied to all of us from Great Brittain,not just the English,as during the War we were fed on Powdered Potatoe. In the Services we were still fed on the stuff, and because of it, Aussie and Kiwi troops that I served alongside always called us Pommie Bastards. No offence meant,or taken.
Prisoner of Mother England! The people who found and colonised Australia, according to history. So please argue with history not with PF members.
Always been Proudly British but a Proud Scot! I do hope that when we are Independant next month my numeroud English friends will still speak to me, as I know I will be talking to them! Not really one to be told what to do or believe by a bunch of Tossers in Hollyrood or the even bigger bunch of W*****s (the proof is out therem if the tory government has not "mislaid it) in Westminster.
I see nothing wrong with being on out own, but still continue to trade as we have done for hundreds of years.

I've never in all my life heard that term Don, so I go along with the Pom as in spud theory. As for Scotland breaking away, if that's what you want then Good Luck, but it will cause more problems to Scotland than it will to the rest of the UK. But the cost of borrowing as a start for Scotland will increase more than you will be able to bear, Salmond is just playing to a nostalgic nationalistic gallery, but not offering anything much of substance, and the largest majority of Scots realise this, and it's for that reason that Scotland will remain in the UK. Don't shoot the messenger, rely on your fellow country mans common sense, mate it ain't going to happen .
Would not dream of shooting the messenger Waterman, I believe in one man one vote. My problem with the coming vote is just how many will turn out to cast a vote. If they vote to stay in the Union I will accept their wish, its a democracy after all.
I am not railing against the people, mate but about the politicians who are lieing threw their teeth about the cost of it all. Are Welsh Northern Irish and Scottish MPs going to tell their elctorate "We wont Trade with Scotland but it will cost you lots of money! Darling came on Tv to debate th matter. He didnt even know how much oil he was talking about. Hr did not seem to know how much to base his figures on. I just wish these politicians could tell people in all 4 countries the truth so they could be aware of the true facts.
I only ask for honesty from the politicians. Is that to much to ask.
Certainly not nostalgic but a realist who knows what Scotland is worth!

Don I go along with a lot of what you say, and as for Tory Labour Lib Dems, I wouldn't cross the road to piss on them. But it's just reality and in this country of ours we tend to protect the Status Quo at all costs, and people don't like change, that's why we still have a Royal family with a load of hanger on ers. One point that I don't understand though is that if Scotland gains independence, then you want our nuclear arsenal removed from Scottish soil immediately, yet you want to remain in NATO. That's like saying you want us to pay for and to protect you ,but you wish to sit on the sidelines and make no contribution. Good luck , but as a Nation you are all worth much more than Alec Salmond.
Not so Waterman Not so. Scotland has had a nuclear arsenal since you and I were kids, Not just British at that but also American. Think how many countries in Europe dont have any nuclear weapons. Oh Yes most of them. There are only a couple of countries who have nuclear weapons. How would the people of Wales like them in Milford or the peoplw od England if we towed these supersafe submarines up the Thames to hide in London. Dont nead to tell me the facts I do know a wee bit about out weapons.
I notice with amusement your off the cuff remark about "paying for us and protecting us" where did that come from?

It came from a TV programme discussion that I watched within the last couple of weeks, Newsnight I believe it was. They said that an independent Scotland would demand that we remove British nuclear weapons from Scotland, but that you would seek to remain in NATO. We in England have Nuclear weapons stored underground, together with American. The Subs belong to the Royal Navy, and if you gained Independence from the rest of the UK, you would in effect be a foreign country, presumably with a Scottish Army, Navy and Air force all operated independently of the rest of the UK, if that is how you chose to protect yourselves. But now reading between the lines, after listening to the debate, Salmond and his crew are thinking along the lines of belong to NATO , which offers protection without having to have the weapons in Scotland. The umbrella that they provide will come from NATO, and be positioned elsewhere. You there for get a free lunch. But like I say this independence sieve is so full of holes, it is sinking before it even floats. In fact the whole idea is becoming a bit of a joke. By all means be a proud Scot, but don't let Salmond convince you to be a stupid Scot.
Enough already!! All politicians have much the same agenda and unless somebody finds Utopia or Shang-rila then we're lumbered with them,but i must say that there's a lot worse than the U.K. lot.
It wouldn't really affect me much,a Yes or a No vote but i will be voting NO, as i'm not willing to gamble with my grandkid's future.The only way the YES vote would win, is by a complacent NO vote turnout.Let common sense prevail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm fed up with the oil that's going to make Scotland into another Norway.What's Norway famous for? Answers on the back of a postage stamp.We've had 300 years of a United Kingdom,is there 300 years of oil left? I wonder.
I guess that once the furore is all over people will do what they always do after an election; sigh & reorganise their lives as best they can to carry on living day by day regardless of the politicians.

Started working with Ekofisk Oil Field in 1968. Tories said then it was a tiny drop, not worth the effort. Now Half wit politicians sre saying things like " UK lost 4.5 Billion last year due to an oil drop ( Alistair Darling) $) years and he still hasnt got a clue! You thinkhe could get it right, he has only had 40 years to get it right. Brian you may want to ignore it but it has kept Britain afloat for 40 years. Scotland is still pulling it in and almost the same again has just been reported.
Scotland are still wellin as we dont have so many people to support!
But you know I wont disagree with you, enjoy our chats too much, Just remember in the UK being around the 6th richest nation in the world, who introduced Food banks to the people?

Coming soon to a street near you, a Food Bank!
America I think during the great depression, but we've had them in England for quite a while now. It's one of the drawbacks of voting Tory.
Started working with Ekofisk Oil Field in 1968. Tories said then it was a tiny drop, not worth the effort. Now Half wit politicians sre saying things like " UK lost 4.5 Billion last year due to an oil drop ( Alistair Darling) $) years and he still hasnt got a clue! You thinkhe could get it right, he has only had 40 years to get it right. Brian you may want to ignore it but it has kept Britain afloat for 40 years. Scotland is still pulling it in and almost the same again has just been reported.
Scotland are still wellin as we dont have so many people to support!
But you know I wont disagree with you, enjoy our chats too much, Just remember in the UK being around the 6th richest nation in the world, who introduced Food banks to the people?

Coming soon to a street near you, a Food Bank!

"Scotland are still wellin as we dont have so many people to support!
I agree with you on this matter Don ,but Alex Salmond 's answer is mass imigration into an independent Scotland at 500 imigrants a week for the next 15 years to make up the shortfall in taxation, because we don't have enough people in Scotland and unfortunately we're living longer,so the pension pay out is increasing.
I was surprised that this fact was not brought up in the debate.
Anyway me old mate, i'm tired of talking about independence so will wait and see the outcome.

I apologise to my English friends,because if i'm sick of hearing, and reading about independence ,how must they feel.
As the English son of Aussie parents, if Scotland left the U.K. I would feel like my right arm had been cut off. The arguments have flowed one way and then the other both for and against independence. There are 'head and heart' arguments on both sides of the discussion. Unfortunately outwith this forum the debate north of the border has become very heated, and I suspect that many families and friendships have been rent asunder on the altar of Salmond's and Sturgeon's political aspirations.

Hi Mike
I don't think they'll be any bad blood once the voting is over, as we Jocks will just got on with daily life as we always do.I think there might be a bit of resentment from some of the English,but i sympathise with them ,as some of you guys must be totally pissed off with all this talk of independence, as i'm sick of hearing and reading about and i'm Scottish.
All down to a wee meglomaniac, trying to split up the greatest union the worlds ever seen.
Can we have a cast iron guarantee that if, as I hope and believe, the Scots tell this vile example of the perfect politician what to do with himself, he will shut up and disappear up his own exhaust pipe?