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Blind Pew - I suspect that is a purely temporary phenomenon in any of the developing economies. I completely agree with you that "we are the real numpties" for allowing "them" to get away with it. I would have to take a hard look at any politician that takes this issue on as part of their campaign. It would seem almost political suicide.

Old Pete - If somehow I gave anyone the impression that I oppose independence for Scotland, I hereby want to correct that impression. I have no opinion one way or the other about the detailed politics of the issue or the various involved politicians, statesmen, etc., but would not wish to ally myself with a group that seeks to deny independence to anyone else.

All the best,
Dear Dan,I was not getting at anyone just the politicians in both countries who have made these statments
Without being political but, IF Scotland breaks away, will I have to charge EU prices to send figures, instead of UK. I only ask as I am, and proudly, Scottish high this year on figures.
Just asking, no doubt some foreigner will get this post deleted as controversial, from the prison sector :) joke :)
I've got no idea why but I was the "foreigner" blamed for that one......wasn't me though.
Simply because I was the only "foreigner" to comment I suppose........and did I cop some "foreigner" abuse for it too.
If Scotland becomes independent, then the Scots cease to be Poms. Not they are true Poms anyway; that dubious honour is reserved for the English. You're right Mark, Perth has been over-run by pale, fat whining Poms.
Dear Dan,I was not getting at anyone just the politicians in both countries who have made these statments

Don't know who you are talking about in the states but it is a non-issue over here. I got all my info from here on PF:eek:
I asked several people here about Scotland Independence and they asked where did I hear that from? But rest assured that if they vote yes, we are ready to drop food and water aid and will use surgical airstrikes against any lingering Brits!:LOL::LOL:

Keeping my heed doon this time. I have learned moderator moderation and you political loonies mean no harm. :) being half Scots and half English/Welsh but born in Canada....I look forward to claiming my triple citizenship rights if the kilties flee.

Hey you lot,
monkey shock.jpg
I hope P.O.M. bashing does not stand for
