Dear Simon, this is a question about your post-it technique for raised uniform detail. I can understand the straight line braiding but when it is curved, for example the major's ornate hat, do you soak or wet the paper to make it more pliable? I have tried to form a curve just out of interest but either I am missing something in the technique or just too heavy handed and I snap the thing in two! Can you help?
Apart from that your latest creation is taking on a life of its own and is coming together really well. Because of you I have started to convert a Historex figure for the first time. It is a FPW era French cuirassier.
Hi Paul, straight line braid/lace is as you say straight forward. I use straight cut strips on corners as well just much more slowly.
It is important to start with the paper firmly anchored in a suitable starting spot. For instance on the chapeau I started at the side where it is fairly straight, to ensure it is a secure fix I used a bit of superglue and left it to set.
Then using PVA glue I took it as far as it would fit before I started to bend it, it's best here to use undiluted glue and let it dry a bit before creating the curve.
To start the curve I first put PVA along the line I want the paper to stick, again undiluted glue. Then with a paint brush I wet a section of the paper, the paper needs to be wet but not soaked otherwise it starts to undo the PVA already applied. The paper will darken slightly, now with the brush gently tease it onto the glue you already laid. I find I have to work the length of paper a few times backwards and forwards until it stays in place, I will then add a little more undiluted PVA and let it dry a bit before doing the same on the next section.
I keep the sections I am working on as short as possible certainly less than a centimeter at a time until I have applied it all the way. It does take a little practice and slowly is the best way to avoid the paper snapping. This though isn't a disaster, let the end of the paper on the model set a little then just reapply the paper, between it being wet and the PVA the joins aren't all that noticeable. Even if they are glaringly obvious joins just let the whole thing dry thoroughly apply a little superglue, once dry it can be smoothed out with a sanding stick or bit of emery cloth.
I hope that helps and that I haven't made it more complicated. Good to hear you're having a go with a Historex figure, I have to admit I have become something of an addict very quickly! Any more questions just ask away I'm always happy to share what knowledge and experience I have.
Cheers Simon