48. Day, February 5, 2021
I continue with the so-called "Georges ribbon" ...
... which our hero wears...:
In Russia, these George colors have always played an important role in the iconography of awards that reward outstanding military achievements.
The colors orange and black symbolize fire and smoke, the side effects of the fight!
Orders that were worn on George ribbon existed in the Tsarist Empire ...
... and in the Russian civil war (on the side of the "whites") ...:
In the Soviet Union, where - also with medals and awards - one deliberately wanted to do everything differently than under the ancien régime, there was no avoiding reintroduction of the George ribbon in 1943 and the so-called "Order of Glory" on ...
... which was nothing else than the Soviet version of the Tsarist George Cross (see above), just in the form of a Soviet star instead of the Christian cross of the pre-revolutionary era!
In the Russian Federation, the old Tsarist George Cross was promptly reintroduced in all classes ...
... and the Soviet Nakhimov Order ...
... an award for members of the Navy, reminiscent of the defenders of Sebastopol in the Crimean War, promptly given a new shape (cross instead of star!) - and hung it on a George ribbon ...:
Under the rule of Vasya Kagebeyevich Putin, they went even further:
The old Soviet parade paint for heavy equipment ...
... was replaced by a new one: Tanks and other heavy equipment are painted on the sides with a George ribbon especially for parades today ...:
Even venerable Soviet T-34s are decorated in this way when they are allowed to roll over Red Square on May 9th, the "Victory Day" ...:
In addition, the landlord has introduced the new custom that on this special day everyone - whether civilian or military - should wear a Georgian ribbon on their collar, which hundreds of thousands are brought to the people for this occasion and also worn!
All of this may seem a bit strange to us "Westerners", but the victory over Nazi Germany when one - regardless of whether Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Cossacks or Buryats - fought together for ONE goal is a social glue that the people of former Soviet Union holds together to this day!
They are all proud of this victory (there is hardly a family in the successor states of the Soviet Union that does not have at least one death to mourn during these dark times!) and shows it!
Even the landlord is not too bad to have his valet put a Georgian band on his tailor-made suit on May 9th ...:
I have one too, of course, and I wear it on May 9th!
The inventors of the Georgs colors orange and black in the form of long, thin stripes could not have known at the time that there would one day be some crazy people who would paint these things on miniature figures!
Because as decorative as these ribbons are, they also paint themselves as shitty!
But at least I got it ...:
So much for today.