Completed Veteran at Victory Day


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49. to 51. Day, February 6 to 8, 2021

After all the medal brushing, I didn't feel like doing any more brushwork at first - but sculpting!

In many photos our hero wears a large brass cross around his neck, as you can see ...:

I wanted to leave out this cross at first because I'm - well, not particularly religious, to say it that way.

But when I visited several churches in Odessa with my wonderful Tanja and saw the deep religiosity of the people there (also Tanja's!), which 80 years of socialism could not eradicate, I decided:

"You make the cross!"

So last Saturday I squeezed 1 mm of solder flat with flat nose pliers and made an orthodox cross out of it.

Sure, you can also make it out of "Milliput" or "Fimo" - but I didn't trust myself to knead this complicated shape exactly.

So solder.

As for the size of the thing, this photo shows that the cross is about the size of an open hand.

And I stuck to it ...:

Yesterday I sat down and sculpted the "Christ" - from "Milliput".

I concentrated myself on the head, arms and legs and only made the body quite rough.

As far as the attitude is concerned, I have worked according to this template...:

This is what it looked like yesterday afternoon ...:

And today I finally improved my body, made the loincloth - and finally gave "Jupp" some long hair. In terms of size, the figure corresponds to about a third of a 72 figure!

The pictures of the original show that our friend wears the cross on a chain around his neck ...:

One can also sculpt, but at the right moment I reminded myself that I have a past as a ship modeler!

And because I don't throw away anything that could somehow still be used for modeling, there was still a scaled piece of anchor chain in 1: 100 in my scrap box ...:

The whole thing is now in the closet and allowed to harden there, tomorrow will be painted again!

Hi Martin

I wondered if you'd look at the crucifix .....LOL

I made mine all from putty ....and a lot of patience between stages waiting for each to dry !!!!......yours looks really good and with the chain will really come out well

It's good to have a break from the medals as well

All credit to you ...I think it should have been sculpted initially !!


Show us yours, Kev! Please!!!


Click on pic !!

Now changed a bit more since pic ( medals added , face reworked )

Nearly finished my Anzac ..this will be next

50. Day, February 9, 2021

After the short excursion into the world of modeling, the order painting continues today!

On the right side of the chest, our friend has four more "birds" that have to be pelted with paint.

The first is this one...:

It is the order "Слава Нации" ("Slava Natsii"), which means "glory of the nation".

It is a relatively new award from the Russian Federation for people who have done outstanding work for the country. The award has been given in three different classes since 2009:

3rd grade...:

2nd grade...:

1st grade...:

Our friend wears the second class ...:

Hi Martin

Can't stay away from medals too long

Great references and now the other side is started its balancing up well

Certainly a nice looking award ..well painted ...I wonder what he did to get the 2nd class ? ...or is it a collection from a shelf ?

Certainly looking at the pictures of him ...a wide variety of medals and awards ! picture the same !

Thanks for sharing

Look forward to you adding the crucifix as well !

Happy benchtime

Stay safe

51. Day, Februar 10, 2021

The next medal our hero wears is called "За любовь к Отечеству" ("Za lyubov 'k Otechestvu"), which means "For love and loyalty to the fatherland".

It is the successor of the original "Zhukov Order ...:

The Zhukov Order was introduced in the Yeltsin period as an award of the Russian Federation to “commemorate the outstanding merits of Marshal GK Zhukov during the Great Patriotic War and to recognize his role in building up the country's armed forces in strengthening his Defense capacity ”, says the text of the decree on the establishment. The purpose of this award was to restore "historical justice in relation to the national hero of Russia and the outstanding commander" Georgij Konstantinowitsch Zhukov ...:

In 2010, the current landlord liked to reissue the Birdie - maybe he won't tolerate other gods next to him ...:

The originally red cross became white, the halo - still reminiscent of socialism - was converted into a laurel wreath, which is held together by a ribbon in the colors of the Russian tricolor.

The medallion with the portrait of Marshal Zhukov was preserved, but instead of his name it was given the inscription "Za lyubov 'k Otechestvu"

Basically, our hero could wear the old as well as the new variant, both the red and the white. Both would be plausible and timely.

However, I'll stick with the photo template and make the new version ...:

Hi Martin

I like the background you do everytime no matter what medal

Choosing the white cross version is a good choice ..nice contrast against the larger previous star

Another nice addition to the piece

Thanks for sharing

Happy bench-time

52. Day, February 11, 2021

We come to the next award of our hero - it is THE war order of the USSR, called "Орден Отечественной войны" ("Order of Otetschetvennoi Woinu" - "Order of the Patriotic War ") ...:

Starting in 1942, the award was given to fighters in the Red Army, the Soviet Navy and members of the NKVD and partisan units for “heroic deeds in the Great Patriotic War”.

The basis for the award of the award was the statute adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 20, 1942 and later amended several times.

For fighters and commanders who have distinguished themselves in the battles, the medal was awarded by the local war commanders directly after the fighting after the “heroic deed” had been accomplished.

The first recipients of the First Class Order were Soviet artillerymen from the 32nd and 42nd Guard Battalions.

Under their commanding officer, Captain Ivan Ilyich Kriklij ...

... the Red Army soldiers destroyed 200 tanks of the Hitler Wehrmacht during the first battle of Charkov on May 2, 1942 - all confirmed kills, in such matters at the time it was very precise!

The medal was awarded in three classes:

3rd grade...:

2nd grade...:

1st grade...:...:

In 1985, the 40th anniversary of the victory over the Germans, the First Class Order was given to surviving war veterans (heroes of the Soviet Union or bearers of the Victory Order) such as marshals, generals, admirals and war veterans by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet - Invalids, forgiven. The Second Class Order also went to war veterans from partisan units and underground organizations, if they had not already received this award, as well as to participants in the Soviet-Japanese War.

This increased the number of award winners in an almost inflationary manner.

Our hero carries the lowest - third - class ...

... which speaks for the fact that he received the award during the war ...:

Good info Martin. Are we sure the old guy is entitled to all this stuff? What are the rules in Russia nowadays about wearing awards you may not be entitled to? Certainly in the 'States it is strictly verboten even with re-enactors - no dispensations.

Hi Martin

Interesting details again and looking good painted up

Phil raises good question be interested in your thoughts

Is there a regulation way of wearing awards as well ?

1 more medal to go ( and the small badge on the ribbon ? )

Thanks for updates

Happy benchtime

Hi Phil!

Was said here (and other places!)by me (and others) that he is with high probability a "veteran reenactor" for the cameras of tourists...

But anyway - a nice figure for someone like me who loves to paint "blink blink"...

A bit like the Lenin and Stalin look-alikes that accost you as you enter Red Square then.:rolleyes: Agreed it is a very nice sculpt and quite different to the usual stuff. Mine's ordered(y)

53. Day, Februar 12, 2021

The last award of our hero, which is still to be painted, does not want to match the rest of the outer shape!

That in turn fits, because it is an order of the People's Republic of Poland, the so-called "Odznaka Braterstwa Broni"

"Odznaka Braterstwa Broni" means something like "Order of the Brotherhood of Arms".

The award was launched on October 7, 1963 by the Central Committee of the Polish Workers' Party (and subsequently by the Council of Ministers) and given to soldiers of the armed forces of the People's Republic of Poland and the armies of other socialist countries as well as to citizens of the Polish People's Republic and other socialist countries as a symbol of merit awarded in strengthening friendship ties. Brotherhood in arms and cooperation between the armies of socialist countries in the common struggle for peace and socialism. The badge was awarded by the Minister of National Defense.

On October 14, 1991, the Order was declared invalid by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 232.

Our hero wears them anyway.

But I'm still not quite finished with the tinsel!

What is still missing is the pin with which our hero attached his georgian ribbon to his uniform blouse - and which cost me so much research work until I knew what I was seeing in front of me ...:

It is the badge of the "United Russia" party, also known as the "Kremlin Party".

This is not a party in our - western - sense, but rather an electoral association!

The party "United Russia" has a single - albeit lively - program, and that is the current landlord Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ...:

So - I'm done with the tinsel!
