Completed Carabinier - after Detaille


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No problem. I think that should work?

(note to self; do thumbnails in future - they look better. :) )
I’m away working this week so can’t get to my bench and it’s driving me a bit mad - just two more evenings work and I’m done with the Carabinier (aaargh!).

As this hasn’t stopped me scrolling through Pinterest, eBay, Facebook, PlanetFigure and all the usual suspects I was very interested to read a Q&A session on here from 2008 with one ‘Bill Horan’ (he’s quite a well known figure modeller apparently). I was absolutely staggered at his output and the rate at which he works; a foot finger from a lump of putty to based and photo ready - a week! I’m still looking for an unknackered cocktail stick in a week! I don’t think I’m ever going to match the Horanmeister for speed but I do need to look at speeding up a bit.

I felt a bit embarrassed when I thought about just how long that Carabinier has taken me and wondered about folks output times and how long you spend on a project? I’ve noticed with new projects things have speeded up considerably just from experience but I still need to get a wiggle on - so many projects so little time. :(
Paul, for me it depends on how many projects are on going at any one time. I always try to have something that needs painting on the bench and may be a couple of figures I'm putting together. More than one sculpting project allows me to swap to the next project when I am leaving the putty on the first to dry. Currently I have five projects, some are slow to progress and some seem to hog my time and get done fairly quickly. On average I'd say a month to a month and a half per project, as have the time on my hands, Granddaughter/wife/other children permitting, it doesn't cause too many delays.

That said I had a disaster with my Tambour Major today but I will explain that on my thread.

Cheers Simon
Hi Paul

Interesting, for me if things go okay about a month for each piece ......,,this slows down much as I would like not too so I basecoat the next ...adding more time ...Shopping missions also seem to add time ....think I need to concentrate more

As good a result as yours is always well worth waiting for and a pleasure to see

Look forward to seeing more on this fabulous piece and the matter how long it takes

I tend to have one paint project and one build project on the go at any one time - more than that and I can’t focus. If I could get a mounted figure down to two to three months I’d be happy with that - not that there’s any virtue in being quick there’s just so many projects I’d like to do! The Bill Horan Q&A is fascinating and definitely worth a read. Also, I was glad to see David Stokes’s Historex article on here generating so much interest - maybe we’re in for a bit of a Historex renaissance? :)
I actually got him on his horse this evening after a very fruitful session finishing off the painting. I’ve been away from my bench all week so I was chomping at the bit - if you’ll pardon the pun?

Getting him seated was a bit hairy as there’s only one position where he actually fits - so there’s a bit of paint work tidying up to do on the saddle. I think there’s another evening getting him onto the base and generally finishing off then…done.

I also made another scratchbuilt head as I’m thinking of doing a couple of scratchbuilt/Historex foot figures after the artillery man - something a bit quicker and (hopefully) painless.

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Hi Paul

Loving this m the rider looks so good , horse the same together with the basework really raises this model ...a winner in all aspects

Liking the face you’ve done ...sounds a interesting future project

Hope we see more on the Artillery as well

Have fun @ the bench

Liking the face you’ve done ...sounds a interesting future project

Hope we see more on the Artillery as well

The Guard Artillery gunner is chomping at the bit and I’m very keen to get on with him. The head might be for more artillery - I bought a rather nice resin gabion at Figure World North so Guard Foot Artillery (peaked bearskin - nice) might do the trick.
Really is a beautiful piece Paul, the whole presentation is so full.of impact, really a figure to be proud of, then let it gather dust in the cabinet as you crack on with the next one!

Cheers Simon

Thanks Simon - I’m now *very* keen to crack on with something else. I love Carabiniers but I’ve probably scratched that itch for the time being. :)
Absolutely superb.


Totally Agree there and a excellent V Bench

Now completely finished and carefully placed in the display cabinet. Considering the struggles I had with him I’m cautiously satisfied but with lots of things to address in the future in order to improve things a bit.

Hi Paul

“ cautiously satisfied “ certainly should be ...and more

Can I ask you to also post the pics plus any others you wish in the Completed Forum

Really enjoyed following your journey , look forward to seeing more with the next project

Happy benchtime everyone


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