Euro 2016


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I think the show is getting quieter due to lack of people promoting it on the taking /showing pics or videos for those who can't attend :) :) :)
The mags used to have a special but even that has got worse and is not the same as old.
If this was Comic-con there would be 10s of vids up already
I didn't go there this year.. bit sad.. but my paintmates did.. so.. here some pics directly by them..
they are Raffaele Nalin, Vittorio Meneghello, Luciano Rossetto, Jaume Ortiz, Giuseppe DeCarolis.. and then a lot friends.. big crew :D
here all figures sculpted by Raffaele (a part of the bike.. scretched by DeCarolis).. I've already mentioned the painters

Thank you, Lancio and Briank, excellent photos of great models....lovely stuff!
If the show is in decline, and some of our Continental brothers are reluctant to venture across The Channel, is this one of the prices we are paying for the Brexit vote?
I sincerely hope not. I know I was absent this year, (other necessities got in the way) but I do like to support what I feel is a great show. I am well aware that the extra expense of accommodation and travelling is a major factor for many, when it could be spent on more models ! Everything is so accessible now via the touch of a button on the old Devil's Dustbin. I don't pretend to have the answers, simply voicing my own feelings.
I do hope that all who attended had a fine time, and that a few glasses were raised in conviviality;)

Hi folks,
My opinions of the weekend for what it's worth,
and not to spark off any in depth discussion....
it always ends negatively.
First thanks to everyone who said hello and to those who couldn't get there, I missed you all.
Bootneck, Dewi and Frank H, nice to put faces to names.;) :)
I was invited to help with the Judging this year which was a fascinating experience, once I had completed the two small classes I was allocated , I was able to observe the process of selection for awards by the much more experienced judges.
this was so enlightening and a huge learning experience.

With regard to the comments about attendance and fewer competition models on conclusions are simple.

There was a big show in Madrid a couple of weeks ago, another in Eindhoven in a couple of weeks and it is simply too much to expect everyone to be at every show.
Secondly, at one time if yiu wanted to know what was new you had to go to Folkestone to see ALL the new products.
Today, you get a model show on the internet every DAY, so the need to go is reduced.

Yes Euro has evolved, many times, and will have to in the future; but unless your living is dependant upon the show it is stil one of the most popular social weekends for regulars meeting for drinks, chat retelling old stories and 'did you hear about' new ones.
A huge thanks must go to all traders who support and essentially pay the major costs of the show, along with all the volunteers who steward judge and photograph the entries.
Next year will bring new challenges for the organisers who face more competition for your attendance.
I would ask on behalf of everyone concerned for you to give it your best support.
After all it is those guys that have not attended who are asking why the attendance is down.
No critiscm folks just observations.

and thanks to all for the positive comments from you on the
stuff I have been making for MMM.
Euromilitarie is Euromilitaire... for me means...the tradition of the miniature show... is a dream...I've been there once and it has been a pure joy, how many years exists? A lot And is still of the greatest show and is fine if one year can be down (as participants not in quality)....can happen for several reasons...that's remains a great tough show.
Might say the wrong thing but, the BFFS has always attended, always had a great time and are always grateful to the organisers for putting on the show.
But the BFFS and friends would have a good time anywhere! as long as there modellers to talk to we'll talk. We have lots of members from Europe and are in contact with a lot of the European clubs and the feedback I get is, Hotels are very poor and pricy, the entry fee is far to much to meet traders and after 3 pm the comp room closes, so they have paid to get in to spend money with traders on figures they get on the internet and then after 3 pm the comp room closes so what do they do now!!

It's been said to me the show should be moved and after this year I agree, the condition of the building is very poor and needs a lot of work, and this if one of our top shows, not lookin good to visitors.

6 pm and the show end's and your kicked out, In Europe the weekend continues as the organises have a meal and drink, yes a small charge is asked but you as modeller's are still together and talking models.
If Euro is to continue they have got to see the shows in Europe and copy how it is done, tradition is fine but not when your loosing at the door and your reputation is going through the floor.
Euro dose not have to be in Folkestone, modelers will travel (-;
Euromilitarie is Euromilitaire... for me means...the tradition of the miniature show... is a dream...I've been there once and it has been a pure joy, how many years exists? A lot And is still of the greatest show and is fine if one year can be down (as participants not in quality)....can happen for several reasons...that's remains a great tough show.
Euro Militaire has been going I think 31 years and for a good few years was most figure painters dream to attend. It was the brain child of Lynn Sangster (Historex) & Ray Lamb(Poste Militaire) run by modellers for modellers. It was the place to go to see new releases (no internet)
And most manufacturers would time new releases for Euro. Indeed a lot of manufacturers made money at Euro that would see them through the rest of the year. It was the place to go. Large contingents of Americans & Europeans came.
Times move on, now has already been stated the internet came along and the rest of the world held their own prestigious shows. The Americans stopped attending several years ago and I believe the number of continentals is down.

The rights to the show were sold to a commercial enterprise who want profit not just cover costs. And over the years we have seen several manufacturers stop attending. The table prices running into hundreds of pounds Stirling for a small space and multiplying the more space you take.

The basic concept of Euro has not changed & we have seen the re enactors who used to attend disappear. One year their were that many traders a marquee had to be erected on the lees to cater for the overspill.

The public want more for their hard earned money now,maybe a move would be justified. A hotel with conference facilities rather than the tired Folkestone hotels?
I also heard the Eindhoven show has on line competition registration eliminating the need to queue and write your details out.

I would like to thank all the manufacturers who did attend because without you guys there would be no shows.
Thank you to Nap & Hugo of RP, your enthusiasm was infectious. Great guys.
Thanks to PeeDee for guiding us through London. Great to put a face to the name.
These are of course only my thoughts and I do appreciate Euro is a great event to be much looked forward to.(as indeed I do)
Here are some of my photos from the show. The Crimean figure with the sword has microscopic levels of detail, it is remarkable.
I attended the very first shows with my Cheshire Volunteer figures then left about a 30 year gap until last year. The numbers seemed about the same as last year.
If I may make an observation about the entry fee. You can barely get 2 pints of lager for £10 in London so I can't see that it is a huge obstacle for an annual unique event!


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I have only missed two Euro's in the last 30 years and I have to say that I believe the show is in decline. I thought the whole place had a rather subdued feel about it and their was no buzz.
The show its self appeared down in numbers attending plenty of room to move about on both days and the competition room was noticibly down on entries. Some traders did not make their table costs which remains very high. And will not be returning next year at least as traders.
The atmosphere in the hotel bars was very quiet,I was in the Southcliffe & Clifton's bars on the Saturday night & again so quiet not the usual buzz.
In my opinion I feel the show has gone stale & not moved with the times and is just a venture for the organisers.
Of course much has changed since Euro began with a lot more choices of quality shows around the world that was not their before. Madrid been just before Euro & Eindhoven in a couple of weeks. (This was the show a lot of people tip to be the one to go to)
The internet of course has had a major impact as people don't need to go to a show to buy or even see the new releases.
Travel is cheaper to the continent for many rather than Folkestone & of course the European people don't want the hassle of going through Calais.
It was still great meeting people and putting faces & names together and I did have a great weekend with the gang.
I have decided to give Euro a miss next year and see where I go from here. Going to give Telford a go in November.

Just got back from Euro this afternoon. I've been to the past 6 Euros on the spin now (it was my 13th in total since my very first one in 1998), and I agree with what Peter says.

The number of comp entries was massively down on last year (around 500 less) and the punter footfall was also much less than in 2015 (and well down on what it was in the days of yore). The number of foreign attendees also seems to have massively declined - the Belgian clubs for example were noticeable by their absence.

I still have a soft spot for Euro. I still enjoy it as a social event. And as I do every year when I check out of the hotel, I've already reserved my room for next year. But I'm sad to say that this year it all somehow seemed a bit 'flat' and lacking in atmosphere. Even the usually buzzing Pegaso stand was quiet this time, and their cabinet display all seemed a bit sparse and underwhelming.

I hope that Euro can survive as a show, but it badly needs a facelift and it's going to have to move with the times if it's going to carry on in the long term. Eindhoven seems to be the "brash new kid on the block" in the show world, and is the name on everyone's lips at the moment. And if what I've been hearing about Eindhoven is true, I have a feeling that it could soon be eclipsing Euro as Europe's premier model show. Like the jaded & shabby seaside town of Folkestone itself, Euro now seems to be living on past glories. No two ways about it - Euro's glory days are now behind it, and the time of overspill marquees, military vehicle displays and re-enactors on the Lees is all just a distant memory. Shame.

- Steve
To whom attended Euro, I have some questions.
I attended 2012 and it was a great experience for me. I haven't attended since then so I don't know much about these few years.
I read some people taking about bad things about Euro on Facebook, such as "Euro is not same as before" "Euro has changed" something like that.
I want to hear straightforward opinion about it and recent reputation of Euro.

Hi Kaz

There's always people slagging Euro off whether it was a good or bad show, but in this instance they may have a point, although I don't know what's been said as I don't do Facebook or Twitter or whatever.
This year the numbers and entries were down, but the traders were out in force offering lots of mouthwatering goodies.
The show itself does need an overhaul, the organisation was appalling IMO and this was made clear to those who needed to hear, so let's hope they've taken what was said (by many) on board or the show will disappear into thin air.
That would be a shame, but........
Lets see what happens next year.


Regarding the tanks and re-enactors, that's something I sadly miss too, but in fairness to Euro its not there fault.
Because of weight restrictions being imposed on the cliff, they can no longer park tanks or any other heavy vehicles there.
As for the re-enactors, we can thank the residents of the Leas for their demise. They complained about the noise of the cannons or gunfire and they were banned.:(

So unfortunately nothing we can do there.

"And if what I've been hearing about Eindhoven is true, I have a feeling that it could soon be eclipsing Euro as Europe's premier model show. "

Think that's already happened )-; been the last 4 years and will be there again in two weeks, it is the best show of the year.
I'm afraid my Euro was a bit up and down. Unfortunately my health was suffering and I wasn't feeling my best.
On top of this news of someone passing ( not show related) away and then to be hit with the news that a fellow Judge had lost his sight that week, was a shock and very saddening.
I did take a camera, but I must apologise I didn't take any photos, I just wasn't in the mood.

The upside was meeting up with friends and meeting member of PF for the first time, that did cheer me up.
I spent most of my time with helping Adrian by selecting the figures to be photographed for the MM Euro Special, and yes it will be the Special, about 80 odd pages on nothing but the show. I must thank Mario Delgado who stepped in to help, I wouldn't have gotten through the day without his help.

I missed the Friday Evening nosh up at the Chinese, but on the Saturday after Judging got through more shredded duck then Adrian & Peedee, that was a first, but as for the amount consumed i failed miserably. They could have eaten me under the table.

Didn't spend much at all this year, but what I purchased I'm extremely pleased with.
My wallet came home in shock it was still full.:LOL:

Many congrats to Nap and to all who won medals, very well done.
And a big congrats to Peedee on becoming a Judge, I wonder who roped him in to that.:whistle:

"And if what I've been hearing about Eindhoven is true, I have a feeling that it could soon be eclipsing Euro as Europe's premier model show. "

Think that's already happened )-; been the last 4 years and will be there again in two weeks, it is the best show of the year.

I know where you're coming from and that is a possibility, but lets hope Euro's organisers get their arse's in gear to get the show back in good order.
Peedee made a very good point, with Madrid and Eindhoven either side of Euro was going to have some impact.

:) The annual dissection of the Euro weekend and faded old Folkestone. First impressions were I don't think I've seen the competition room so empty despite it being open to all genres of kit modelling as well as figs/tanks. Great to see new traders there but a lack of footfall (Sunday was dead) may well see them fail to return. Been saying for some time that I don't think its got enough about it to be a 2 day show anymore and nothing has changed there. I don't think that Euro will change but it will fade into obscurity as people desert it more and more. There's nothing wrong with that - its just a natural progression that people will go to new exciting surroundings. The ironic thing is our choice of hovel for this weekend was the best yet. A newly refurbished room with newly fitted bathroom and no signs of damp or dinginess. Don't think that will be enough to tempt us back next year though as SWMBO has heard Eindhoven calling - just for a change.
I must thank Mario Delgado who stepped in to help, I wouldn't have gotten through the day without his help.

I missed the Friday Evening nosh up at the Chinese, but on the Saturday after Judging got through more shredded duck then Mario,Adrian & Peedee, that was a first, but as for the amount consumed i failed miserably. They could have eaten me under the table.

Didn't spend much at all this year, but what I purchased I'm extremely pleased with.
My wallet came home in shock it was still full.:LOL:

Many congrats to Nap and to all who won medals, very well done.
And a big congrats to Peedee on becoming a Judge, I wonder who roped him in to that.:whistle: Malc

Malc you didn't see how much duck was in my soup and under the rice.
Thanks for asking me to help with the know I had reservations about it, but I so enjoyed the experience.
it was the free coffee that swung it as you know. ;)

Regarding the tanks and re-enactors, that's something I sadly miss too, but in fairness to Euro its not there fault.
They complained about the noise of the cannons or gunfire and they were banned....So unfortunately nothing we can do there. Malc

Silenced sten display?
Just saying

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