On my travels over the past few weeks, what is coming across strongly from my fellow Scots is the Yes voters anti -Tory comments.I honestly don't think the yes voters have actually really thought of why they're voting, other than to get rid of Cameron and the Tories.Which, as the more enlightened Scots know that this hasn't got any bearing on being independent.I've never been more disillusioned with the Scotland i was proud of, and that the people were so gullible ,that they're willing to split up the most successful united nations the world has ever seen.That's a fact!
If there was a Devo Max in the mix, then the majority would vote for it.Voting No is as close as you can get to Devo-Max so why the hell vote yes.Ignorance springs to mind.
Could anybody that's going to vote Yes please let me know what are we being offered, that we don't already have,not promises but hard facts.Make me change my No vote!Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.